Best OTC appetite supresser



  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Add dog food to everything you eat. That should work - unless you enjoy dog food.

    You guys are crack-a-lackin today!
  • kyta32
    kyta32 Posts: 670 Member
    Make sure you are getting all your micronutrients to prevent cravings.

    Protein digests slower than carbohydrates. Having protein at each meal will keep you fuller longer. The MFP protein calculations may be to low - try for .8g per kg of weight or 1g per lb of lean mass. If you are having a sugary snack, try to pair it with some protein to prevent the glucose spike. I find if I have my sugar at the end of the day it is less likely to leave me feeling hungry again in 15 minutes (and something to look forward to after eating healthy food all day and getting my exercise in).

    Try leaving yourself with a smaller deficit if the hunger is really bothering you. Successfully losing slower is better than giving up after trying to live with too high a deficit.

    Try to live with the hunger for a bit. Decide to have a snack, but after a short walk, or a glass of water, or after waiting 15 minutes or 1/2 hour. Just stretch it out until you make it to your next planned meal.

    Vigorous exercise helps to curb hunger, and may reprogram your reward pathways so you prefer lower-calorie foods. If you just need to keep yourself from eating for an hour or so before the next planned meal, try light activity, like dancing in your living room, cleaning the house, doing yardwork, or whatever will distract you for a little longer.

    I find I'm hungrier during a certain time of the month. It's not the diet failing, it's just hormones. Even though my weight loss slows that week, it doesn't make a difference in the overall rate of loss, so I don't worry about it now.

    Try not to set yourself up for failure. I find it doesn't matter how many meals I have, but eating at regular times helps me manage my hunger better. If I skip a meal, then go into a triggering situation (i.e. take my kids to the mall's food court before I've eaten anything that day), I'm more likely to make bad (high calorie) choices (Chinese anyone?).

    I personally have a fear of hunger, because I associate it with the lowest time of my life. I've had to really confront my associations and beliefs. Knowing I can experience hunger, and still succeed at dieting has become a source of strength. If you are actually afraid of hunger, talk to someone about in, or journal, writing down the specific thoughts that are scaring you. Once the thoughts are concrete, it is easier to challenge them.

    My hunger was worst for the first few days of dieting. It comes back after cheat days now, or when my routine changes. Usually I just have to tolerate it for a day or so. Overall, I've not been hungry for at least 80-90% of the time over the last 5 months of dieting.

    You already know the hunger is temporary, and that you can deal with hunger sucessfully, because you've done it before. Stay strong :smile:
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Laurend224 wrote: »
    If you refuse to go the healthy route I hear speed works :s

    Phentermine worked a treat, but that was prescribed by a shady 'weight loss' dr. Seriously, my friend and I felt dirty every time we went. And, if you told him that the phentermine was keeping you up nights, he would happily prescribe Ambien, nervous? There is xanax or valium for that.
    Who needs a drug dealer with a doc like that? >:)

    Can I get his number?

  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    sofaking6 wrote: »
    Laurend224 wrote: »
    If you refuse to go the healthy route I hear speed works :s

    Phentermine worked a treat, but that was prescribed by a shady 'weight loss' dr. Seriously, my friend and I felt dirty every time we went. And, if you told him that the phentermine was keeping you up nights, he would happily prescribe Ambien, nervous? There is xanax or valium for that.
    Who needs a drug dealer with a doc like that? >:)

    Can I get his number?

  • lalepepper
    lalepepper Posts: 447 Member
    cosmiqrust wrote: »
    i'm actually about to see a doctor today because taking diet supplements (stacker 3, an old friend from my high school ED days) over christmas break may be causing my kidneys to fail. it was a stupid panicked mistake buying them, but i knew i wouldn't have any space to exercise for 10 days and i didn't know what else to do. don't *kitten* around with the stuff if you want to keep your health. take your vitamins, drink coffee or tea when you get a craving, eat less empty carbs and more protein, and stay hydrated. it'll do the job much better than any pill. now i'm gonna go put more icy-hot pads on and try not to die.

    QFT - these "supplements" can be very dangerous!
  • cdh2015
    cdh2015 Posts: 57 Member
    I took some appetite suppressants back in my early 20s which was about 15 years ago now...Yikes! They just make your heart race and really don't do anything except make you lighter in the pocket. I'd just rather take the good advice of people in this thread instead.

  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Drink a cup of coffee and get yourself moving.
  • yvonitaa191
    yvonitaa191 Posts: 3 Member
    I've always had a naturally huge appetite - and I mean really huge! The things that helped me controlling it (in order of ease and effectiveness)

    1. EC stack first thing on waking up, effective until early evening
    2. Cardio
    3. High protein/low carb diet (but i found this too restrictive so i didn't keep it up for long).

    These are the only things that have ever stopped my hunger; personally the green teas, herbals, drinking water and everything else I tried had zero effect. By now I hope you've found something that works for you, OP! :-)
  • ketorach
    ketorach Posts: 430 Member
    I've always had a naturally huge appetite - and I mean really huge! The things that helped me controlling it (in order of ease and effectiveness)

    1. EC stack first thing on waking up, effective until early evening
    2. Cardio
    3. High protein/low carb diet (but i found this too restrictive so i didn't keep it up for long).

    These are the only things that have ever stopped my hunger; personally the green teas, herbals, drinking water and everything else I tried had zero effect. By now I hope you've found something that works for you, OP! :-)
    It's irresponsible to recommend an EC stack to someone who will have no idea how to do it safely.

    OP and others reading: ignore #1.

  • ManiacalLaugh
    ManiacalLaugh Posts: 1,048 Member
    I've always had a naturally huge appetite - and I mean really huge! The things that helped me controlling it (in order of ease and effectiveness)

    1. EC stack first thing on waking up, effective until early evening
    2. Cardio
    3. High protein/low carb diet (but i found this too restrictive so i didn't keep it up for long).

    These are the only things that have ever stopped my hunger; personally the green teas, herbals, drinking water and everything else I tried had zero effect. By now I hope you've found something that works for you, OP! :-)

    @yvonitaa191 - First, EC stacks are so dangerous, I can't even begin to list what's wrong with them. For someone who's not used to stimulants, it's even worse. This advice could give someone a heartattack, SERIOUSLY.

    Second, this is your third post, so I understand that you're new. But please don't necro year-old threads.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    High fiber supplements such as Metamucil is extremely effective. Take a glass of water and add a tablespoon 30 mins prior to meals. Not only do you get the filling effect from the water, but the high fiber as well. If you get hunger pains (not appetite), then drink a glass of water with fiber.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    edited July 2015
    Staying busy is the best appetite suppressor there is.
  • Dawn410
    Dawn410 Posts: 120 Member
    Fiber. Seriously. Eat a fresh pear every morning, drink some water, you will feel full all day. Maybe a bit gassy, but not hungry. very cheap, very healthy, and very delicious