toffeetastic Member


  • thanks, i think its a case of feeling tired at the end of the day and mistaking that for hunger.
  • Hello, i'm feeling positive because i've signed up to this site to monitor my eating habits. Maybe check back in a couple of weeks when my enthusiasm has worn off and i'm taken to sitting in my kids paddling pool eating hotdogs and guzzling beer :smiley:
    in Hey Comment by toffeetastic June 2015
  • Congratulations on your engagement. try and exercise at the same time, i find its easier then to make it a habit. You tube is great for free exercise videos. try walking to work or taking a walk at lunchtime once you get in the habit you're start to find time to do more.
  • Sound advice MKEgal and i agree, don't go for the quick fix 'diet' make life long changes that you can stick to, it may a time a little while longer but the weight will stay off.
  • You can do it. make small, simple changes, like cutting out sugary drinks and having water instead. Try not to make unrealistic changes to your diet to quickly, its impossible to keep it up. Try to find an exercise that you can make a habit, like walking or cycling to work. Once you get your fitness back you will want to…