cousindon Member


  • Could be fear of change. Fear that if you lose weight, you'll have more options and maybe won't want him any more. Likely he's afraid and doesn't even know it (we men are very good at actively ignoring our fears). I'm not trying to excuse his actions just trying to help you understand. Talking it through really does help…
  • I put lime juice in mine. Nellie & Joe's Key West Lime Juice seems to be the best for this. Pricier, but you get more flavour for your buck.
  • When I developed a heel spur (as a result of PF), I ended up with a sports medicine physician. He actually paid attention to what was going on. Barring that or maybe instead a podiatrist is likely to be more sympathetic to the issue and the run-of-the-mill GP. The problem with codeine is that it's masking the pain, not…
  • I have tendonitis issues regularly (had to quit playing racquetball, ended up with a heel spur, don't dare use a hammer...) I joke that I chose the wrong grandparent. However, it's really not a laughing matter it's painful and very lifestyle limiting. I agree with checking with a podiatrist. Also I try to stretch,…