Tammyjo06 Member


  • Hi all! I'm 48, mom of four, wife, teacher, etc.......looking to lose over 100lbs as well. I started on July 19th and have lost 12lbs so far. I'm on a low cal/keto diet. Feel free to add me. There's no backing down for me this time, so would love to have/offer as much support as there is!
  • Okay. Here's my stats and goals age - 48 Female Goal - to lose 160 pounds Diet - low calorie, keto diet under doctor's supervision (no sugar, little caffeine, etc...) Exercise - minimum of half hour moderate walking per day, moderate toning reps per day **First week on the program, I've made nice progress. I'm pleased with…
  • I'm a week in and looking for any tips and advice!
  • You bookmark by clicking on the star up in the right hand corner between the bell and the astro.
  • I'm in! I'll post my goals later. Looks like a great group!
  • I know what keto is. Do you mean you're on a low cal diet or not eating at all? If it's a really low cal diet then I would fit in:)
  • Serving size is my complete downfall, so I get it! lol I'm trying to only buy single serving sizes OR put an item in single serving sizes once it comes into my home. It's such a mental game for me!!!
  • I'm starting my second week on it and I love it. I don't take it until four hours after I wake up per doctor's orders. I'm also on an extremely low calorie diet along with it. I have a lot of bad habits to break, but I know I can do it. Mind over body.
  • It's not about when you eat, it's about calorie intake. I agree with the above. As long as you're below your daily calorie intake, you should be good. I try not to eat after dinner just because it can become a bad habit and I don't want to go over my calorie goal. That being said, if I absolutely feel I need to eat…
  • Love these quotes! I use a ton of quotes to motivate my healthy lifestyle change. I have a couple on my fridge, desk, and computer. It reminds me that what I'm doing is good for me and to keep it up. Not give in!
  • I've done very little connecting on here. Just starting to read the discussion boards. Not sure if chatting would be helpful or not.
  • As much as I would not like to count calories, I absolutely have to. It's the key to my success. Otherwise I mindlessly put things in my body that add up fast to a disaster! lol I wish I could be one of those people who can casually eat and not keep track. I can still have fun and eat yummy things. I'm just that person who…
  • I would love to share ideas and tips. I'm just starting my journey so anything would be helpful!