eyeslikemoons Member


  • Pinterest! I find a lot on Instagram as well. A lot of people on there post pictures of delicious recipes and in the comment section will post in detail how to prep, what you need AS well as nutritional info. Its awesome! Just go on the app and search.
  • Consistency. Eat healthy, move your body and track it all on here. Pictures helped me when the scale didn't. For me, weight likes to rest around my waist. When I was actively losing, it would drop from areas like my arms, legs, but never around my waist. It takes time. Patience and just keep working at it. I can't remember…
  • I think a lot of people adjust their ultimate goal when they've reached it or even when they're inching closer to it. I based mine off of what I believed to be healthy and where I remembered believing I was happiest at. I actually found myself happy at a higher weight than I thought previously so this was interesting for…