Goal Weight, how did you come up with yours?

dbkyser Posts: 612 Member
Now that I am down over 100 lbs I am changing my original goal to loose 130 lbs. I had just wanted to get lower than I had been in many years.
Now I see I can keep going and get to much lower weight and I am going to lift weights for the first time in my life. Excited to see the changes I can make to my body next.

How did you come up with your goal weight, and when you get close will you adjust yours?


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I picked the top of the healthy rage per bmi as my initial goal. Since then, I set my next goal using a very scientific method: I squeezed my stomach fat while looking in the mirror, mentally compared it to a 5 lb model of fat I once saw, and doubled my estimate of how much fat I thought it was (since fat will come off from all over, not just my stomach.) My first goal was 154 and now I'm aiming at 137.
  • loulamb7
    loulamb7 Posts: 801 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    I picked the top of the healthy rage per bmi as my initial goal. Since then, I set my next goal using a very scientific method: I squeezed my stomach fat while looking in the mirror, mentally compared it to a 5 lb model of fat I once saw, and doubled my estimate of how much fat I thought it was (since fat will come off from all over, not just my stomach.) My first goal was 154 and now I'm aiming at 137.

    LOL. This made me laugh. I think I do this every morning as if my belly might have melted overnight.

    Regarding goal weight, I have continued to decrease mine based on new goals. I reached my first "maintenance" goal, 205 lbs, 2 years ago. Lost 10 more lbs finding my maintenance calories. At 195 tried recomp, attempting to shed the infamous belly fat. Last 8 lbs, eating slightly below maintenance and lifting, has produced some good results in reducing body fat. I think I'm close to my next goal, 15% BF, hopefully at 180-182 lbs by June.

  • eyeslikemoons
    eyeslikemoons Posts: 3 Member
    I think a lot of people adjust their ultimate goal when they've reached it or even when they're inching closer to it. I based mine off of what I believed to be healthy and where I remembered believing I was happiest at. I actually found myself happy at a higher weight than I thought previously so this was interesting for me.
  • RebeccaLansdown
    RebeccaLansdown Posts: 101 Member
    I went with the weight that I was when I was in the Army. It's a good weight and general fitness goal to start with.
  • Fancyedit
    Fancyedit Posts: 243 Member
    My first goal was to lose 200lbs! (I was a very unhealthy 365) I'm tall, 5'7" female. Once I met that goal I've decided to go for 25 more, I'm at 155 now, aiming for 140 :)
  • wvmark41
    wvmark41 Posts: 124 Member
    I felt my best when I was between 175 - 180 pounds. I was very athletic at 175 and ran many road races (even a marathon). However, I'd settle for 180 again. That's my goal.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,207 Member
    First, I wanted to lose 15 kg to drop to the weight I was in 2011.

    16 weeks later, I reached that goal.

    But then, that little message you get when you close your food diary was suggesting I could be a weight I hadn't seen since about 2008 or so ... and I thought, "why not?"

    As I lost weight, that little message suggested I could be a weight I hadn't seen since about 2005 ... 2004 ... 2003 ...

    By Christmas, I had lost another 11 kg for a total of 26 kg down.

    I've been maintaining since then, but starting this week, I am planning to put a bit of effort in to try to lose another 3-ish kg or so.
  • davidmartinez66
    davidmartinez66 Posts: 92 Member
    First, I didn't want to weigh 265, (I am 5'9" ish) so made the decision to throw away the bad foods in the fridge (High Fructose Corn Syrup and the like), without working out and thru the holidays I lost 30 pounds. At my annual physical my doctor suggested 200 pounds would be a good goal. I did that, and this past January, he moved the goal post,
    and thought 185 would be good, I am now a few pounds away from that. Ultimately, 175 would be fine with me, and as the spring/summer outdoor season is close, I should be able to get there soon!

    Love the inspirational stories folks!!
