magnessd Member


  • San Diego... what up!?
  • Thank you so much for writing about mental illness. The more we bring awareness to the suffering and challenges we face daily, the more people will hopefully understand what we are going through. I was diagnosed 8 years ago with severe depression. Since then I have notice each year I lose and gain around 60 lbs 2-3 times a…
  • I have been there too sister. I just try to be gentle with my self-talk and tell myself, "Ok Daniel, you have lost the weight before and know you can do it again. You are worth it! Let's do this!" Positive self-talk and deep breathing really help me with the mental battle the first couple of weeks. Then after I gain some…
  • Thank you for the posts. I am glad to I am not alone in periodic cravings. What helps me is to test my cravings... I will ask myself, "Am I hungry or thirsty?"... "Am I emotional or stressed and looking for a release or escape?" ... OR if I really am hungry after asking myself questions and deep breathing, I will eat…
  • I am a sugar addict as well. As soon I finally saw and felt what the excess sugar and inflammatory foods were doing to my life, I had no choice but to change my eating habits. I feel like a whole new person now and have never looked/felt better! Thank you for sugar free message!
  • I am a Native San Diegan. I have been all over the U.S. and I am always beyond excited to get back home to SD when I travel anywhere. As for things to do and eat it's totally up to what you are in to. I recommend going to Point Loma Seafood and hitting up an authentic taco shop. Luche Libre is good, but my favorites are…
  • Thank you for your feedback. I am not saying to act on emotions by any means. I have learned that thoughts continuously come and go from our mind which spark feelings that result in emotions. Basically all I am saying is it greatly helps me when I step back and observe my thoughts and use my heart ("gut") to discern…