MiamiDawn Member


  • OMG I thought I was the only one who does BG finger sticks just to see how I'm responding to different foods. That was one of the things I never understood being diabetic was how do you know how the meal affected you if you only take a before reading and not an after reading. I've done days of full testing before and after…
  • That's how I do it too ... Alternatively, I just put mozzarella and parm topped w/pepperoni on foil and broil it in the toaster oven.
  • My fave was Cap'n Crunch. I never liked the regular chicken fries, so I don't think that even Cheetos would save them.
  • I occasionally have Marigold bars ... Some have more net carbs than others, but in the range of 5 - 7 net carbs. Natural ingredients, non-gmo. I find they satisfy my sweet tooth without being overly sweet. I usually cut the bars in half and only eat half. I like them better…
  • On keto and LCHF if your kidneys are working normally, then you should not have protein in your urine. There's some good information at this link I think you really need to look at the whole picture ... an elevated A1C could also be adding to the…
  • For breakfast it's bacon, sometimes sausage. On the weekends I add eggs. For lunch, it's homemade tuna, chicken, or egg salad, or sardines with maybe some avocado. For dinner, it's usually beef, chicken or fish. For snacks, olives, cheese, pork rinds, peanut butter, pepperoni. I don't usually do fruits - I might have a…
  • Wow … didn't know that. Thanks
  • I am not entirely gluten free only because I occasionally have an Atkins bar or shake. The one thing that cutting gluten did for me (or so I believe) is eliminate my Reflux. I was Keto for about 9 months, then stopped and as soon as I started with the carbs my reflux came back. I feel the best when I'm on Keto.
  • I go daily. The magnesium supplements help and if I miss going a day, I just eat some coconut oil.
  • D3 w/K2, B-Complex,Milk Thistle, and Magnesium.
  • I normally cook in batches and freeze, but I also rely on frozen meals - sometimes I forget to defrost a meal, or sometimes it's just me eating so I don't use the larger portion frozen batches, and sometimes, I'm just lazy. This is my go to choice and it's always in the freezer. Michael Angelo's Chicken Piccata - 5 carbs…
  • That's a great idea. I batch cook, but never thought of freezing the pieces individually. Thanks for the tip.
  • I eat out more than I care to admit. At fast food chains, it's a burger or chicken, with no bun, no ketchup, no onions. At Arbys it's the meats and bacon and I just ditch the bun. I have to know before I go, so that I don't mess up. I've found that I think I'm being good by ordering a salad or steak, but the chain has…
  • South Florida, but I'm frequently in the Central Florida area too.
  • They have the lowest carbs (9g) on the market (in my area). Haven't been able to find full fat yogurt in the grocery. I don't eat it but can't get my hubby off them. They have a couple of lower carb flavors 3g carbs for 4 ounces - vanilla cream and strawberry cream. Do you have a good alternative ?
  • I've added many of you. Mine is MiamiDawn. Right now there is not much in the way of LCHF/Keto but plan on posting meals and snacks. It is not keto specific, but my general life -- cars, cats, shows, food, etc.
  • I'm over explaining it. I just tell them I'm eating healthier. Most people don't get it. I spent a good hour on Saturday talking to a friend that was interested - particularly what I do for bread and pasta, and what he could eat since he doesn't do beef, pork, or chicken - so I showed him some recipes, directed him to some…
  • I've read in a couple of places that when keto adapted and your body is using fats rather than carbs, you will show less in your urine. This is one of the places I saw it. I still test every morning. I normally run small to medium. I…
    in ketosis Comment by MiamiDawn August 2015
  • I can find it at my Walgreens or CVS drug store.
  • I usually do bacon, but I also like this sausage … 1 carb, and lower sodium then most. I like the taste of them too.
  • single serve packages of nuts, plus eggs, nut butters, pepperoni. For at the hotel, I usually pack tuna and sardines - I have something if I need it, but it keeps well, if I end up bringing it home. Also, If you gas up at a Racetrack or 7-Eleven, they usually have packaged hard boiled eggs - I'm sure other places do too,…
  • I take Alive Max Potency Multi - which has vitamins, minerals, and blends of green foods, fruits, mushrooms, and seeds. It does have carbs, but I just factor them in to the daily count. I also take milk thistle. My recent labs showed my Vit. D level was very very low, so right now I'm also taking Dr. Cannell's Vit D…
  • I have a fatty liver as well. My dad died in 1992 due to complications from non alcoholic liver disease / cirrhosis - his was caused by undiagnosed hepatitis and then diabetes complicated matters. I was shocked when my GI doctor in passing said, you know you have a fatty liver right ? Uh no … you never told me. The only…
  • I donate them -- if you have business attire there is and another alternative is to donate to a domestic violence shelter - some of the women leave their abuser with just the clothes on their back.
  • I bought some recently when it was Buy One Get One at the grocery - actually did a happy dance in the aisle when I saw it was zero carb. Did a quick google search and came up with a thread talking about places to buy it in australia. The topic is from a year ago, but maybe one of these places is near to you and still sells…
  • It's not the length of a regular loaf of bread (like wonderbread) - I make it in a loaf pan like you would use for meatloaf - it also doesn't rise too much above the pan - so the slices are not as tall as a regular loaf. The important part of the recipe is the whisking - the better it's aerated, the better it rises. If you…
  • this is one I usually use.
  • Kerin, stick around a bit and just modify your eating until you find something that works for you - it may still fall within the parameters of the group. Some people say that adding fat will give you added energy, which is what I rely on. I use cheese and coconut butter, etc. Before I would be super tired mid afternoon to…
  • This site has many. I spend every other weekend cooking, and then seal and freeze and just reheat when needed. I have found that most recipes for chicken that say 4 hours on high overcook the chicken so it's dry and pasty, so for my crockpot 2 hours is perfect - cooked but not overdone so when I reheat it's not killed.…
  • I usually stop at the HIGI blood pressure machine at the grocery store - I got a nice surprise when my arm fit the cuff without having to stuff it in. I weigh Mondays, and lost another 3 lbs this past week.