orangevalkyrie Member


  • Thank you for kindly disagreeing. When I said her heart would thank her, I can see how that was misinterpreted to mean my advice was good for her heart. On the contrary, high fat diets coupled with ephedra can be very risky. I have seen many people try it and loose weight, but many of those same people could not give up…
  • Also my favorite filling meal is 3oz pork loin, 1 small avocado, and 3 Tbsp of pico de gallo. 280 calories. Upping your protein macros will help you feel fuller. Mines at 35%.
  • Add 15 grams of psyllium husk to water and drink before eating anything 300 calories and you will be full. Also, I eat powdered baking chocolate as a snack in between meals.
  • Cut calories and reduce carbs to under 20 grams a day (ketosis) to jump start your metabolism. Eat lots of protein and healthy fats instead for about 3 months. Drink 4 cups of green tea and a gallon of water daily. Don't work out on this diet or you will be too sore and tired, your muscles need carbs to uptake protein.…
  • Really late on this but hope it can help someone. Doing weightlifting using super slow reps helps strengthen my arthritic joints instead of tearing them down. I do zero cardio unless its swimming. And I keep my workouts to just abs, bench press, row, pullup, and squat. Just remember speed= momentum not strength and it will…
  • Check out Elliott Hulse on YouTube, search for breakup advice on his channel. He is a great motivational speaker. Look into Hinduism or Taoism if you currently lack a faith - these have great philosophies on dealing with change. I wish I could write a personal perspective on loss for you, but it would just sound flat on a…