Need support really badly

im going through a tough time. A recent , terrible beak up of almost 10 years has me down in the dumps. It's been 6 days since it happened and I'm out of the home couch surfing. Im tired of crying so I decided I need to get my butt up and excersize (in between bouts of boohooing) I know it won't cure this situation but I need one positive thing to hang on too. So who's in to help or talk.. Anything will do.


  • CandyMonster160
    CandyMonster160 Posts: 153 Member
    Sorry to hear about the breakup. Feel free to add me or send me a message, happy to chat or help in anyway I can. Exercise, for me, does great things for my mood even if just temporarily, good for you for making the decision to get up and exercise during this tough time. Hang in there, it'll get easier day by day.
  • theclassiccat
    theclassiccat Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you
  • franklin505
    franklin505 Posts: 31 Member
    Sorry about your break up, 10 years is a long time. As the person above says exercise may help, I can tell that you have a good sense of humour (your boohooing comment). Chin up time will heal.
  • jnoegrah
    jnoegrah Posts: 119 Member
    Breakups are always hard. Getting off the couch and doing stuff, not necessarily exercise will always help. Feel free to add me if you need support!
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    just a rather surprising opportunity to reinvent yourself. you can do it
  • Genome88
    Genome88 Posts: 20 Member
    Exercise releases endorphins. Endorphins make people happy. Happy people don't kill their husbands.

    Oh wait, that's Legally Blonde. Sorry. But really, exercise is a great idea. It does help lift your mood. And if you have any anger, you can work out your frustrations. Good for you, you are awesome and can handle anything! Go you!
  • orangevalkyrie
    orangevalkyrie Posts: 8 Member
    Check out Elliott Hulse on YouTube, search for breakup advice on his channel. He is a great motivational speaker. Look into Hinduism or Taoism if you currently lack a faith - these have great philosophies on dealing with change. I wish I could write a personal perspective on loss for you, but it would just sound flat on a text based forum. Your best inspiration will come from within you.
  • ereckless82
    ereckless82 Posts: 85 Member
    That is rough :(. I'm so sorry to hear about your breakup. You are doing the right thing, though. Get your butt moving and take in some fresh air. While it won't heal you, it will help your healing be a little easier. Good luck and stay positive. We're all here for you <3
  • Noodle797
    Noodle797 Posts: 366 Member
    It's terrible, but true. Exercise really does make you feel better. Hang in there, you can make it!
  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    Genome88 wrote: »
    Exercise releases endorphins. Endorphins make people happy. Happy people don't kill their husbands.

    Oh wait, that's Legally Blonde. Sorry. But really, exercise is a great idea. It does help lift your mood. And if you have any anger, you can work out your frustrations. Good for you, you are awesome and can handle anything! Go you!

    theclassiccat has decided to be productive in her time of crisis, rather than sit on the sofa feeling sorry for herself and eating Ben and Jerrys.
    Snaps for theclassiccat <3
  • jennie_1313
    jennie_1313 Posts: 2 Member
    been there done that 17 years for me and i came home and found some slut sitting on my bed and he throws me out. it was tough! as i'm sure you are experienceing yourself. i was lucky enough to be blessed with wonderful chidren who not only provided a place for me to live but lots of love and suppport. i started praying, even gave God a shopping list for the man i wanted to find. lol and you know what he filled the order. beleive me i was specific. but down to every last detail God nailed it and then some. when i told Doug that he was an answer to my prayers he was shocked to say the least. God even sent me to church on Christmas eve for a special service because He had a message for me. FORGIVE YOURSELF! enough with the sermon tho. talk to your higher power as you believe or not. but forgive yourself. now everytime i look in the mirror i tell myself that each and every inch and pound i shed i am also shedding all of that pain and anger that is associated with that idiot. i hope tomorrow you have a better day!
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    First, be good to yourself. You need time to heal. Exercise will help, but don't beat yourself up if you just can't get motivated some days. I don't know if you've suffered through other serious break-ups before. I have gone through several, though not after a relationship as long as yours. What I know for sure is that you will get through it. Ultimately, you will be fine. You will be happy, you'll find love again. Take it slow. Try not to make yourself feel better with too much food, because in the end you'll feel worse. Can you go away somewhere for the weekend by yourself or girlfriends? Sometimes a fresh environment will do wonders for your mood.
  • theclassiccat
    theclassiccat Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you everyone for your kind words. I need movement because my anxiety levels are so high I feel like I'm drowning. I need to feel like I'm safe. It's day 3 being out of the house (without my belongings or my cat) I shake. I have diarrhea. I don't care about looking fit. It's just a road I want to take to get beck to being a human. I don't have a gym or money. Couch surfing makes it hard. Any recommendations