SparklyKarz Member


  • I try to eat as low carb as possible, nothing white like sugar, rice, potatoes, pasta or bread/wheat at all. I eat the majority of my carbs in my morning smoothies by way of fruit and veg, the nutribullet is my best friend in the morning. Helps me stay satisfied until lunch time, especially since I will add a 1/2 cup of…
  • Name is Karz, in beautiful British Columbia. I am losing weight for an upcoming back surgery and my wedding next year. Have about 50lbs to lose over the next year, hoping to reach my goal by early next year. Anyway, always looking for friends to help support :)
  • I can relate! Replacing cigarettes with bread is not recommended lol. Anyway, hoping to lose the 40lbs I need to for a surgery on my back. Support from people in the same boat is always helpful so please anyone add me as a friend and we can offer each other support.