Username: kirbyallison Weigh In week 4 Weigh In Day Wednesday Previous Weight: 226.5 Current Weight: 226.5
Username : kirbyallison Weigh In week 3 Weigh In Day: wed ( a day late was unable to get on yesterday) Previous weight: 227 Current weight: 226.5
Username: kirbyallison Week: December week 2 Previous Weight: 228 Current Weight: 227
Weigh In Day December 5th Username: kirbyallison Weigh In Week 1 Weigh In Day Wednesday Previous weight: 230 Today’s Weight: 228 I’m happy with the 2 pound lose because a certain time of month showed up yesterday and I am very bloated. And I am also fighting the urge to eat everything in sight so far so good.
Daily Post Sunday December 2 Tracked: yes Calories: slightly above Exercise: walked all day shopping Comments: weekend are the hardest for since I am with friends and I don’t want to eat or drink healthy when I go out. But very proud of myself had no soda when I went out I stuck to water all day.
Hi my name is Kirby. I have been overweight my entire adult life. A few years ago I had lost 50 pounds by counting calories, cutting sodas completely out and being more active like doing a boot camp class, jogging some days, or even a 2 mile walk in the afternoon. Then my mom passed away, and I went through a separation…
Username: kirbyallison Weigh In Day: Wednesday November 28 Starting Weight: 230