EliseTK1 Member


  • This is AMAZING!!!! I wanna be as cool and capable as you when I grow up.
  • This is so true! I have been getting many more compliments on my hair, makeup, and outfits. My favorite comment was, “life has been treating you very well!” Yes it has, because I’ve been treating myself better than I used to.
  • I would treat it much like any meat replacement- if it tastes good and the nutrient profile is decent, I’ll incorporate it into my diet. I already enjoy MorningStar burgers and Impossible/Beyond meats. I don’t think it’s much different than eating any type of cultured food. Meat is such a great source of protein- I would…
  • Today I lived my teenage dream. At 38 years young, I totally rocked a crop top and bell bottom jeans. I finally feel confident showing my midriff.
  • YASSSSSSS!!!! You are such an inspiration. My deadlift rep PR is only 135, so I have a long way to go.
  • I agree with everyone above. Keep going! You’ll get there. Sometimes my weight pops up several pounds just from a day at maintenance calories or very slightly above. I’m one of those who only sees new low weights around days 17-20 of my cycle. I go literally 3 1/2 weeks without the scale budging and then WHOOSH- several…
  • This is the stuff of nightmares for me, but I applaud your ability and willingness to squeeze into that tiny hole!
  • This is so incredibly inspiring. You have an amazing light to share with the world. 💜
  • Wow! It’s clear you worked hard for that. You look amazing, congrats!
  • YES. I have a history of migraines, and about ten years ago I developed exercise-induced headaches, specifically when lifting heavy upper body, mostly during pull-ups and similar movements. I also started getting them during… ahem… activities that are supposed to be a lot more fun and not painful. Super not ok. Things that…
  • Today I showed up at work in scrubs with my hair in a ponytail (unusual for me- I’m generally in business casual with my hair down) and one of my teammates I hadn’t seen in several months didn’t know who I was for a moment. She asked someone, “who is that young girl?” I’m 38. Day made.
  • I’ll have to look into that one. I use the free version of the Strong app, and it works well enough.
  • There is a great deal of consistent hard work evident in this photo. Great job!
  • My mini goal is ten pounds down by mid February when I’m going to Aruba. It’s going to be tricky with the holidays, but I’m confident I can maintain discipline while allowing myself a couple specific days of calorie overage.
  • This morning I glanced at my naked self in the mirror and actually thought I looked fit. That in itself is a NSV for me. My weight has been stable for a few months, and I’ve continued to progress in heavy weight lifting, so I checked my measurements and found that I’ve shrunk almost another full inch in my waist. Helz yeah!
  • I started using the Strong app a few months ago and love it. I use the free version, but you can get more features with the paid version.
  • That is so crazy! This was one of those things I was not expecting. After only 20 lbs lost, my shoes got loose as well. I’m down 32 now, and I’ve had to buy a few new pairs. The good news is that wearing heels no longer kills my feet immediately. I can wear them for a while. My newest NSV is that someone took a picture of…
  • What a fabulous picture of you two!! I am a big fan of that red dress. Congrats to him on hitting that milestone. 🎉 I had the same fear for a long time, same experience with my parents. At one point my hubs and I were within ten pounds of each other despite him being five inches taller with broad shoulders. Now we’re…
  • My mini goal is to successfully do a 4 1/2 week cut for a 4-lb weight loss. I’m giving myself a tiny bit of leeway because I have two special events planned in that time that include food, and I intend to enjoy them.
  • @springlering62 That is so amazing for him! What a beautiful thing to help him feel good about himself and all his hard work. My hubs has been growing more muscles all year, so now he’s having the issue where all his shirts are tight on his arms/shoulders and float around his midsection. His pants fit great around the…
  • Today at the doctor’s office a nurse asked for my weight. When I told her, she whipped around, looked at me in disbelief and said, “No way, I was expecting 30-40 lbs less than that. How is that possible?” My hubs piped up with, “She’s a power lifter. It’s muscle.” I’m pretty sure this is the first time in my life I’ve…
  • My mini goals for the next week are to spend the next few days in a small deficit to make up for the surplus this weekend, and to hit a new weight low next weekend. I should be on track to be about a half pound under last month.
  • I haven’t given up any specific things. I still eat the same foods, just in very different quantities. It was harder when I was trying to lose a full pound a week, but now that I’ve slowed down, I can make any food or drink I truly want fit. In fact, I am more likely now than ever to eat EXACTLY what I’m craving rather…
  • I completely agree with this. I've gone up to 4 weeks hanging around the same (or higher) weight, but my whooshes are highly predictable now. I will always hit a new low weight at a specific time during my cycle, 4-7 days before a new cycle starts. My weight starts creeping back up about 2 days prior to the new cycle, but…
  • Hey there, I am a Registered Dietitian and a Certified Specialist in Renal Nutrition. (I work in dialysis.) The best things you can do for your kidneys are to get your labs done regularly to monitor your kidney function, drink plenty of water, avoid overdoing it on medications such as NSAIDS (like ibuprofen) and do the…
  • Well stated! I completely agree. I am also a social eater, so I am more careful nowadays to not overdo it at parties/gatherings so I don’t feel terrible later. I am very into sweets, and eating sugary things triggers me to want more and more. The problem is that sugary foods are not deeply satisfying, so I end up eating…
  • I make mocktails using a large pour of soda water (I have a Soda Stream) with 1-2 oz of syrup (preference is for peach Bellini, cherry, cosmo, and strawberry key lime) some kombucha (usually homemade) and a splash of diet lemonade. Ends up being less than 20 kcal for about 32 oz of drink. I add real spirits when I have the…
  • I also tend to get the dreaded waist gap. I like yoga-pant-type slacks. There are a few good ones from Amazon- they tend to fit like leggings with a professional look, very comfortable. I also got a pair of white jeans from Venus. They are nice enough to wear with business type shirts, and they fit like stretchy jeans.
  • I just switched to a recomp/slow cut after losing 32 lbs since Jan 1. I still have about ten pounds to lose (those last ten are the worst!) but I was hitting a wall with how hungry and exhausted I was. Less than a week ago I decided to bump up to maintenance (or just under) calories and focus on heavier strength training.…
  • I love this!! I have started doing this kind of thing when I’m really craving something. Recently we had a work meeting where someone brought in Crumbl cookies. (IYKYK!) They had the chocolate mint brownie one which is essentially the most perfect dessert on the planet, and after the meeting no one else would take it. So I…