Dora_Campbell Member


  • February goal: 1. Positive thinking (doing away with negative comments from others) 2. Workout more 3. Resist my cravings
  • @Packerjohn thanks. This is very helpful.
  • @rileyes thanks for the video! Will definitely do!
  • Thank you all for for the help. I have to admit that I didn't drink enough water after my workout or stretched afterwards so that is probably the problem. I have been stretching throughout the day so I am getting a little more movement in my legs. And yes, it was more squats but I added the weights to help with my leg/butt…
  • Thanks everyone for all your responses. I agree that I might of tried too much too quick. I've been on a treadmill and eliptical so i didn't feel I would have any problems but I was so wrong. Thanks everyone for all your advice and I will definately start walking as soon as I can. :)
  • Thanks for your reply paradi3s encourages me to continue. I am looking forward to making it an everyday occurance and yes it is totally different from they gym. I have found a new love. mochapygmy- I guess I'm still on an endorphin high because I am still smiling. :) Thanks for your support.
  • First of all, thanks to all for responding. I agree about getting temptation out of the house but they're not mine (my son's and i didn't buy them). I have eead what has been suggested and come to find out I've started some of them. I have started my journal again because it does help me take control of my emotional eating…