blazincajun Member


  • There is new research about diet cholesterol - I won't tell you what it is. I think you will really learn something if you research this yourself.This is a lifestyle both you and I have to embrace. Think of being around for your loved ones and how wonderful it will feel when you bend down to tie your shoes every day.…
  • noneya2010. Yes you can get off statins. I used to take a 40mg pravostatin and one day my LDL-C was zero. Got off those things right away. I had a similar test done "Berkeley Particle Test". I have a family history CAD. Been fit and not too over weight. Ran over 2,000 miles last year. Been trying to lose about 12 lbs.…
  • Straight out of can for lunch 4 to 5 times/week
  • Our high school girls will be out of town for basketball games and my wife and I are going to try out a new restaurant called Country Boy's Cooking in Keysville, GA. Days like today I make sure that I do some type of exercise and eat lightly to leave myself a buffer just in case there is some really good food. Just…
  • This is the funniest thing I've heard today - like sleep running I guess. I like my Garmin 225 and kind of discovered the sleep tracker and step counter by accident and was just using it for the HRM and running. Nice watch! Have a great running day - Andrew
  • Lost all the weight I needed, through exercise alone, to get my weight in the proper BMI. However, to lose those last 10 lbs to be competitive I needed to quit eating junk. Just losing weight is not necessarily good for you and just exercising is not necessarily good for you, but together they are a great combination.
  • Bam! After my six month plateau, I dropped added sugar and my once a week fast food. Here is my weight loss from March 23, 2014 to present.
  • Texas Road House - Wednesday sirloin steak special, 8 oz. sirloin, 1roll, house salad, sweet potato, water.
  • Augusta Georgia
  • Yes. Grew up in Lake Charles. Loved fishing the Sabine river, Toledo Bend reservoir, and upper Calcasieu river. Moved to Augusta, GA in 1994 - married with two daughters. Have two dogs and they are proud of us. Currently training for the Kiawah Island marathon in December. I'm at a good weight - just need to get out and…
  • Started running again in March 2014 after a nine month layoff while remodeling our home. Began to rapidly lose weight until the beginning of November 2014. At that point I was running about 40 miles a week and eating anything I pretty much anything I wanted. For the next six months I stayed at that plateau until I realized…
  • Popeyes fried chicken, apple fritters, and that second hamburger.
  • 52 here. Working hard to stay healthy and in shape. Training for a December marathon and working at keeping all things in balance. Good luck to all of you while you work towards your goals. Andrew
  • Hey workout girl, Congrats on your marathon training. I to started into my marathon training plan using Daniel's Running Formula. Start the first couple of miles as a warm up and ease into your marathon pace. I usually consume a Gu in the first 15 minutes then two more spaced according to time that I wish to finish.…
  • Oh, those hills are so good for you - just maintain good running form and lean a little forward from the hips going downhill. Have a great day! Andrew
  • I run because I just want to be faster that the other old guy and because I can not stand the feeling of that extra stuff in my midsection when I reach down to tie my shoes. If I wanted to be a jogger I would jog instead of running.
  • Your first success is realizing that you need to change and owning it. Just get rid of those things that make it hard to accomplish your goal even if it is for a season. Start with a week then try two and so on. I'd love to add you as a friend but I don't know how. Andrew