DietitianWriter Member


  • If you are strict about portion control, you can lose weight without exercising. Check out this New York Times article, which explains why eating less is far more important than exercising:
  • Tofu is a low-calorie, high-protein food, which will satisfy you longer than high-fat foods. It has 10g of protein (per 1/2 cup) and is a great source of calcium. Just a half of a cup accounts for 43 percent of the average daily calcium intake! Quick Recipe Idea: Firm tofu is great for marinating. Toss 2 oz of cubed tofu…
  • Starbucks actually offers several great healthful and tasty options...all with nutritional info included. Here are a couple of our favorite combos: Chicken & Hummus Bistro Box (hummus, grilled chicken, grape tomatoes, cucumber, and pita bread) plus a banana; 380 calories, 7g fat (1.2g saturated) Zesty Chicken & Black Bean…
  • Most people generally lose more in the first week due to loss of water weight. From your second week on, you should average a loss of 1-2 pounds per week. Also, the sodium in frozen meals varies widely from brand to brand. Try to select meals with less than 675 mg of sodium per meal. Which brands of frozen meals have been…