Zelda1223 Member


  • Hey its okay to have bad moments in life. Maybe you should start slowly. Everything start psychologically. Make sure you are at peace with yourself and life. Try to go for a walk everyday or try simple things like yoga. You can find lots of videos on youtube for that. running is also very good for calming anxiety. Trust me…
  • 19 and looking for friends too!
  • Hey there, I have been there too! You should not have to restrict yourself. If you are hungry, eat some fruits or veggies. So when its time for the main meal, youll be full faster. Also look for food with a lot a protein but low in fat. You should look for plant base food. Beans, lentils, chickpeas are the key for you. For…
  • If you make small changes in your diet, you can loose a lot a weight without necesseraly counting on exercising. Its always helpfull to exercise but i know how hard it is. You should start by cutting all red meat because they have a LOT of fat and are really unhealthy for the heart. You should stick to 1 meal with 1…
  • Walking is probably the best thing. A day towndown walking through the stores or to the farmers market or a little walk in the forest is always fun and relaxing. Yoga is also my favorite when i dont feel like going outside or doing to much, but still want to do something ;) you can do it!
  • Its okay to have bad days. But remember, even if you start your day in a bad mood and eat junk food, its never too late to eat well even if the day is almost done. Its better to eat an apple than no apple at all!
  • Hey i've been vegan for a year but recently I wanted to try the plant base diet to be healthier. Still bery new to it though.