salfit2 Member


  • Month almost over and I'm at half what I set as my goal. So for next month I will take July total and add 10 or 20 miles...I know 100 was aggressive but I wanted to try! I'll work to get 4 more miles in next 2 days Anyway, 7/27 3 miles 7/28 3 miles MTD for July is 46 miles.
  • Very HOT and humid day but managed to get in 3 miles early. MTD for July is 40 miles.
  • Two weeks to go so I better get my butt in gear! 3 miles tonight which brings my MTD for July to 37 miles.
  • I hate to see the weekend end. But was glad to get in another 3 miles today. July's MTD Total is 34 miles.
  • July's MTD Total is 31 miles. I was up early today, two loads of laundry up and down the stairs, then grocery store while clothes were in the dryer. Finally! Finally went for a pedicure, which made my feet happy :p Then a quick walk around the farmers market and stopped for breakfast before heading home to clean the…
  • It's supposed to be 90/91, humid and rainy this weekend, but so far the sun is out. I was able to get up early and put in 4 miles. This evening I want to focus on yoga. I really need to stretch out. July's MTD Total is 28!
  • MTD 24 miles
  • Up at 5:30am walked 1 mile. Then work, came home ate dinner then 2 more miles. I think I'll treat myself to a pedicure on Saturday after my walk.
  • Hi, it's me again. Part of my post got cut off. Last night I walked 2 miles. MTD total is 21
  • Welcome! It's never too late to start moving. I joined this challenge for motivation to finally make exercise a daily part of my life and boy that's what I get! Every time I check in someone had posted something about an outing, a struggle, words of encouragement, and of course their movement for the day. Thank you all.…
  • I hope everyone had a good weekend. Today was a long day but wrapping up nicely. I'm happy with my progress so far; 12 days in and still going strong! Another 3 miles today. Brings my MTD total to 19
  • Walked 3 miles MTD total 16 miles!
  • Hi all, I'm really enjoying this. I love seeing everyone's posts. And thank you for the encouragement. I walked 2 miles this evening to bring my Total so far to 13 miles!
  • I was talking with a coworker about my July challenge and she thinks 100 miles is a lot for one month. I told her I'll do what I can this month then that will be my miles to beat next month. Sound like a good plan? Yep, I think so too
  • I'm ready for bed, but wanted to add my walk from this evening 3 miles. My hips need a good stretch but I'm smiling
  • thanks for tips on fat intake. I like avocado so usually eat one a week maybe two plus I use olive oil and canola oil to sauté my mixed greens. Any other suggestions? Also morning and during the day are easy it's the evenings and before bed that I tend to over eat the "not good for you" foods. And it's not like I'm not…
  • Machka9, Sounds amazing and thank you for that inspiration. I walk indoors on my treadmill but stepped outside last Friday and walked the trail at one of my local forest preserves. And I felt the difference immediately! Not only was there fresh air, sunshine, and had a nice chat with my friend, I got to hear bull frogs,…
  • Hi, joining in and aiming for 100miles walking for July. It will be a challenge, which is what I need. Thanks for setting this up! So far July 1st 2 miles July 3rd 3 miles July 5th 3 miles
  • Hi, I'm trying the low carb(Atkins of sorts). Need to get sugar under control without increasing fats! Hoping that with regular workouts will do it.