savannahwoods3 Member


  • Hi. Thank you for responding. I've never heard of body recompositioning. I'll definitely look into it! Hi! Thank you for the wonderful advice. I will look into the yoga and the article. I really hope they help. Maybe adding yoga will help woth thw body recomposition. Maybe I am really disconnected from my body and present…
  • Hi, thanks for responding. I've wrestled with this issue since I was in kindergarten. And I know I shouldn't think ugly, terrible thoughts, and fixate and hate my body, but I do. And the fact that I keep doing it makes me sadder still. And ever since I came back and discovered how to count calories, it seemed like the…
  • Hi. Thank you for the advice. I did what you said, about making a list about 10 things I like about myself right now. And I feel like it helped a little. But some of the things I put down (like I am powerful) I sometimes flip my opinion about. All my life, I've been the tall, big girl. And sometimes I revel in that,…
  • CW: 150 GW: 130 H: 5'10" Age: 18 Don't hesitate to add me! :smile: looking for some friendly buddies!!