lagoscarrie Member


  • Because there this is ostensibly a weight loss site, I was thinking that drinking and weight gain is a great analogy for being out of alignment in so many ways. This morning I stepped on the scale and was down another eight-tenths of a pound. I haven't weighed this little in more than ten years. I feel fantastic. But there…
  • @sabihac7618 It's true. The tummy is where it seems to show the most. I started losing weight and the tummy started to shrink -- then my boobs disappeared! Oh well. Yesterday I noticed my legs are noticeably slimmer. I wasn't watching them!
  • @donimfp This is so true. It is true for me, even though I really only spent one night (since the winter solstice) wildly, I-don't-remember-any-of-it-drunk. I still had to start over and did NOT pick up the momentum I had gained for more than two weeks afterward. It takes a toll. I don't have the words to describe exactly…
  • @shortchange1 Have you considered the FRE wines? I know some people don't want ANY alcohol -- no kombucha or anything -- but I am comfortable with alcohol removed products that have trace amounts and the FRE brut champagne is really quite tasty!
  • I don't have 10 pounds left to lose but am on my last three pounds. It's hard to get this close without slipping so I could use some accountability. I've gone up nearly a pound since April 1st! Height: 5' 5.5" Highest weight: 136 Starting weight: 133 Ultimate goal: 116 lbs April 1: 118.6 April 8: April 15: April 22: April…
  • One of the many ways I knew my life was off kilter when I was drinking is that I had virtually stopped reading. I watched STUPID videos on my computer till all hours, but I read few books. Reading books required sober attention and was just too hard after (however many) glasses of wine. I noticed this, like I noticed so…
  • @Beka3695 I hear you. For the third year, we'll be coming back from Spain via boat -- it's so much fun because they have to reposition the cruise boats from the Med to the Caribean every year and we love sailing across the ocean. But it is all-you-can-drink and very drink-focused. Fortunately, that is several months away…
  • I am so excited about this month. I stopped drinking the day before the solstice, not necessarily thinking it was "forever," but soon realizing what a profound change it had on my entire life. In March, I got overconfident and some part of me apparently thought, "Well! that challenge is over!" and I tumbled. Nothing…
  • @donimfp Such a powerful post. Welcome and best wishes for your amazing journey.
  • @meggiev9 Can I just question your assumption for a minute? Simply walking (or running) out the door and moving outdoors for 30 minutes will assist your efforts enormously and have so many other terrific health benefits. If you took a study break to walk, your brain may be the primary beneficiary: there have been plenty of…
  • Hello again! Age: 56 Height: 5' 5.5" Highest weight: 136 Starting weight: 133 Ultimate goal: 116 lbs March goal: 117 lbs March 3: 120.0 March 10: (I was on vacation -- busy gaining weight!) March 18: 121.6 March 24: 120.6 March 31: 118.2 Well... I missed it by a tad, but I am pleased. As I said last week, this is a…
  • My boobs are leaving. Goodbye boobs! I enjoyed having you while you were around! Sigh. Moral of the story: there is no such thing as selective weight loss.
  • I am feeling so fine today. It will be 100 days tomorrow AF -- except for my one tumble off the wagon two weeks ago. In truth, I didn't plan on quitting forever 100 days ago. I just knew I had to make some changes and cutting out all alcohol (for "a while") was the clear answer. I have lost 15 pounds since then. I have…
  • Huzzah! I finally broke the 120 barrier, after sitting there for almost a month. My body really liked it at 120, but it was at 119.2 this morning! I am nearly where I want to be and dragging out all kinds of spring clothes I haven't looked at in ages because, you know, they were too tight! The biggest thing for me had…
  • I had a bit of a success last evening. The neighbors who live in the adjoining lot are a real trigger for me. They are heavy drinkers and I've usually had too much to drink whenever I've socialized with them. They are also the last people I really want to discuss not drinking with because I'm sure there would be push back.…
  • @krea4 Isn't that the truth? I have no trouble doing a lot of aerobic exercise and eating healthy, but it is late night snacking that has been my downfall. I'm eating when I'm not uungry! The good thing about tracking is just accountability for the junk. Recording my meals is really not necessary: they are almost exactly…
  • @krea4 Great progress! @RobinAlex666 CONGRATULATIONS!
  • I love what @VegjoyP said, That is very much how I feel. I am at an age (56) where it is normal and almost expected to gain weight and, sure enough, it was creeping up on me. Never a lot, but I noticed there were more and more things I "couldn't" wear because they were no longer flattering. What the heck. I am not a person…
  • Hello again! Age: 56 Height: 5' 5.5" Highest weight: 136 Starting weight: 133 Ultimate goal: 116 lbs March goal: 117 lbs March 3: 120.0 March 10: (I was on vacation -- busy gaining weight!) March 18: 121.6 March 24: 120.6 March 31: Okay. I am stuck at 120. But I am not terribly worried because I was stuck FOREVER at 127…
  • @RubyRed427 I had a 75-day streak AF, did exactly what you and others describe ("I feel so great! One drink could never destroy this feeling!") and ended up consuming I-don't-even-want-to-think-about-how-much one evening. Everything seems simpler to me now, somehow. I just don't drink anymore. It took a long time to make…
  • I have always eaten a lot of vegetables. That was never the problem. The trouble was from the things I ate in addition to vegetables! Lately, I've been combatting that by increasing the number and variety of veggies I put in my nightly stir fry, as well as the variety of beans. It is almost impossible not to lose weight on…
  • @jmjsf Have you tried simply limiting the hours in which you eat? I guess this is technically "intermittent fasting," but I just call it eating later in the day. If I start out with breakfast, I feel snacky all day. So I stick to coffee with skim milk until later in the day and then allow myself to eat all the vegetables I…
  • Hello again! Age: 56 Height: 5' 5.5" Highest weight: 136 Starting weight: 133 Ultimate goal: 116 lbs March goal: 117 lbs March 3: 120.0 March 10: (I was on vacation -- busy gaining weight!) March 18: 121.6 March 24: March 31: I am not terribly disappointed in myself after spending 10 days consuming a lot of guacamole and…
  • Update: shopping on my favorite online consignment site was a great distraction! I have purchased nothing, just added to my favorites, and imagined how much nicer the clothes would look after a few more pounds lost.
  • I'm having trouble tonight. I am absolutely not hungry -- and that is when I am the most tempted. Why is that? I just had a part of an apple and another cup of tea. Let's see how good I am at distracting myself...
  • @lorrainequiche59 Thank you for your encouraging words! I am very happy not drinking and will gladly join you in the rest of the challenge!
  • I also toppled off the wagon immediately. I was on vacation and decided to have wine with dinner. The good news is that it was just that -- a little wine with dinner. I didn't enjoy it as much as I expected, but I didn't go crazy drinking either. I have decided that I like my life better without drinking and that is how I…
  • Hey! Back from vacation and I didn't do too badly! What saved me was we had use of a shared kitchen and I cooked veggies every day. I also ate things I normally wouldn't -- beach food and a few very rich dinners, wine and dessert -- but I filled in with a super healthy breakfast or dinner of local vegetables and fruit. I'm…
  • Greetings! Age: 56 Height: 5' 5.5" Highest weight: 136 Starting weight: 133 Ultimate goal: 116 lbs March goal: 117 lbs Current Weight: 120.0 March 4: 120.0 March 11: (I will be gone on vacation -- probably gaining weight!) March 18: March 25: I have made good progress this year so far and I hope (even with vacation!) to…
  • @lorrainequiche59 One word: stairs!