lagoscarrie Member


  • Six Months Today! Six months ago I woke up with a huge anxiety attack after too much wine the night before. It was winter. I was visiting my parents in Minnesota. I could not remember if I'd said or done or eaten anything foolish. I knew I probably had not, but that did nothing to relieve the horrible anxiety. And I said,…
  • @_vicky2291 I found this group to be so supportive, I just wanted to check in to let people know that acquiring better habits and being happy with one's body is a totally achievable goal!
  • Hey guys! I haven't been around because I met (I actually exceeded) my goal and there hasn't been a lot to say. Then I went through a very stressful two weeks and ate EVERYTHING I could lay my hands on. I bounced up a few pounds and said, "Enough of that!" Now I'm pretty much exactly where I should be and the thing I…
  • @FeelinFooFoo Oh! I absolutely would swap them out if you feel like it. I had a big party on my patio two weeks ago. I had regular champagne, AF champagne, and sparkling cider for the kids. No one knew which I was drinking -- and it was none of their damned business! Maybe it's just me, but having a champagne flute with…
  • @FellinFooFoo First of all, congratulations on your good news! I am a bit of a broken record on this, but have you tried the alcohol removed wines? Seriously, they are not bad. The champagne has tons of bubbles, the red has a nice deep color to it. I keep them in stock. Last night, I had something rather major to celebrate…
  • @Thistimeisit Welcome! I think if you can go 20 days AF you can do anything! I have found the changes in my life to be so profound that losing weight is the least of it. Good luck on your journey and on discovering your New Self!
  • I'm sure I've said this before, but I've become a fan of the alcohol removed, FRE wine and similar brands. There is trace alcohol (probably about the same as kombucha) so maybe some folks don't even want that, but I cannot detect it. I have been AF for almost five months (minus one slip!) and have no desire to drink again.…
  • So, is this happening? It's May 3rd! My weight is as low as I want it (I actually might be a little too low, but I call that my "insurance policy") now I need to work to tighten saggy stomach skin and muscle. I'm on for a challenge if anyone is interested!
  • Hello! I am two days early, but I leave town this morning for several days so I thought I'd just record early. Height: 5' 5.5" Highest weight: 136 Starting weight: 133 Ultimate goal: 116 lbs April 1: 118.6 April 8: 118.8 April 15: 118.4 April 22: 116.6 April 27: 116.2 I've started adding a few more starchy veggies and am…
  • @JBanx256 I assume you're asking the OP, but my goal would be to strengthen. Although I guess it's possible I might see some change as my body fat is quite low now having hit my target weight.
  • I should do that. When are you starting -- or have you started already?
  • @noel2fit I think you have the right attitude! Too often in the past, I thought I would just cut out a few things for a few days and have a new weight. It just doesn't work that way. I needed to make a few small changes and make them permanent. This doesn't mean I can't eat what I want for special occasions, but on a…
  • Second day in a row where I'm at my goal weight -- so I guess it's real! I'm starting to add a few starches (potatoes and more sweet potatoes) to my meals, a little more fruit. I have not been hungry in ages, but I have craved things that feel a bit more "solid," so now I'll be slowly adding some of those foods in. It's an…
  • @VeggieGirlforLife It makes me wonder if you couldn't schedule quality time with your parents alone and explain you'd prefer to see them one-on-one rather than as part of the group. It seems like a lot of unnecessary suffering to get to spend time with your parents.
  • @MicheleStitches There is something very funny about your Super Woman avatar cursing out the Easter Bunny! LOL
  • @MeadowRae If you're keeping under your calories, just hang in there! I finally learned this is normal for my body. I'll go three weeks at the same weight then drop almost two pounds overnight. That's just the way I work. It might be true for you as well. Stick to it!
  • @guitargirl55 Yeah, most of the posts here are not really intended for folks working towards ideal weight. I see some of the recipes and go, "Really?" Welcome!
  • Hello! After sitting FOREVER at 118, I am moving on down! This has been the pattern all the way down: I sit at one weight for three weeks then skip and pound on the way down. I am living almost entirely on beans and vegetables and the occasional fruit and loving it! It has been interesting as I cut out things I used to…
  • @razorcut Really looking good! And, although you didn't photograph your face, I can see what a huge change there is in your jawline and chin. Great work!
  • @Ke22yB Love this. I stopped drinking just four months ago today. I really wasn't thinking it was for "a lifetime" when I quit -- I wanted to try it, give it a month anyway. I had one slip-up and I'm almost glad I did because it made it completely clear to me that this is my new life and I NEVER want to give it up. Yes, I…
  • @tbolashana This is so true. I think especially when your lifestyle is already healthy, making a small tweak can really change things up. I gave up wine -- for lots of reasons, but weight loss was on the list. Becoming more mindful about eating was all it took and I am at my ideal weight now as well. I might lose two more…
  • Oh my! I just ordered new shorts because the size six were falling off me but... size four is too big. I've not been taking measurements, so this is kind of a surprise. Glad I get free returns!
  • @must_deflate Love that! We all deserve to be whatever we view as the best version of ourselves. I don't judge what someone else wants and I really don't need anyone telling me what I should look like. In my case, I eat a very healthy, sustainable diet and have for years. I've decided I would like to be a bit thinner and…
  • Ha! My body loves 118! I am not worried. This has happened all the way down from 133. I will lose two pounds, then sit at one weight for almost a month, then drop again. And, truthfully, the last two pounds are my "insurance policy," as I really am at exactly the weight I want to be right now! It is so fun to be able to…
  • @sunbead I think the support is important. I am realizing that in order to get down to the weight I'd like for the next phase of my life, I am no longer dieting. I am making permanent changes in my eating habits that (to a lot of folks) might seem severe. The thing is, a good habit is just like any other habit: it's hard…
  • Not going the right direction! Actually, I was down almost two pounds, then did this mysterious bounce. Sigh. Still, I'm not that far away... Height: 5' 5.5" Highest weight: 136 Starting weight: 133 Ultimate goal: 116 lbs April 1: 118.6 April 8: 118.8 April 15: April 22: April 29:
  • My weight bounced up after a rather snacky night but, again, I am cutting myself some slack. It was EXACTLY the sort of night I would have had a lot of wine in the past. I have tried to do away with late night snacking altogether but sometimes it really is the better of two evils!
  • I will likely not count calories indefinitely, but I have really learned a lot while I have. I have learned that I literally cannot eat too many vegetables. It is not physically possible, so I probably won't continue to weigh every ounce of cauliflower I eat. But there have been some really informative surprises. (Peanuts!…