The Sober Squad- Alcohol Free Living



  • SunnyDays930
    SunnyDays930 Posts: 1,500 Member
    @heatheramoure Welcome to our kind and supportive group. We are glad you are here!
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,186 Member
    Hi all, giving this another try. The last three months have been ROUGH, and my drinking is getting the better of me. I won't go into details, but if anyone has any thoughts, prayers, or good vibes to spare for my family and our situation, it would be much appreciated. Making today Day 1...hopefully for the last time. Reading your posts makes me think there's still hope. Just have to get through the next month or so.

    Nice to see you! There’s always hope. <3
  • lorrainequiche59
    lorrainequiche59 Posts: 900 Member
    This is a long one, but please be patient with me cause I'm a little bugged and need some feedback!!

    OK so I need some feedback to calm my puzzled and kind of frieked out mind. I am at a client dog sitting. I'm here for 4 days then I kennel her for 4 and return home...YAY...then get her for 4 more days. I've worked for these people for 10+ years and have sat with their dog a few times and feel trusted & valued etc. THIS is my little friek out. When I arrived here yesterday aft, I was getting myself organized. Even though they tell me to help myself to whatever, I bring my own food anyway and put that all away. Had a bit to eat and talked to a friend for a few mins and as I was sitting on the couch talking to her, I looked up at the entertainment unit and on the top shelf was a camera staring right at me...I tried to not react and look as if I was shocked to see it, I just tried to act normal like I was only looking in that direction and continue to talk with my friend. Then I went over to the island in the kitchen (it's all open concept so the camera captures most of the living area) and opened my laptop and began working on it and then looked directly at the camera, went into an adjoining room through several other rooms off camera & entered the living area at the other end where the camera was, got on a stool and disconnected it!!!!!!!!!

    I looked online & found the camera and it was advertised as a doggy/nanny cam and am hoping they purchased it to watch the dog when they are out. It can be connected to their phone so they can have live coverage of whatever is going on in their home. Unsure why they would feel the need to do that though when they live in a remote area on a huge chunk of land and their closest neighbor is NOT close so it wouldn't be a matter of concern for the dog causing some kind of disturbance for them. It is a grown dog who is fine on her own AND the they don't work everyday...he can work from home and she has a very part-time, once-in-awhile job. So they are here most of the time with her. SO of course, I begin to search the other rooms to see if I'm being monitored and so far not!!

    I had a gut reaction to this that brought back some old stuff when I lived beside a psycho for several years...In fact, that is the reason I've moved twice in 3 years. I loved my space then, and did not want to move but it was my sanity or my lovely view and location...I chose sanity. One of the creepiest events living beside the nut job was his monitoring my activities on my deck by means of a camera for who knows how long. I always wondered how they knew what I was doing in my space because there was a privacy wall between our outdoor areas & they would make comments about what I was doing (having a glass of wine, reading my Bible...just normal stuff) & I just figured someone in a building across from me must have been friends with them & would tell them this & that...THEN one day as I looked up above their door going out to their deck, there was a camera looking at me in my space...It was the creepiest feeling because not only would it be able to pick up activity out on my patio, but would have been able to see into part of my living area because my patio door was glass. Anyway, that was the beginning of the end of me living there....

    Anyway, I cannot think of any other explanation than that the camera is here to spy on me!!! If they got it for that reason, they now know that I know and obviously disconnected it. I thought I'd wait for them to say something to me, but decided IF they put it there to spy on me...they will likely not say anything!! And I was thinking of not saying anything, but wait to see if they do. ANYWAY, I'm likely way overthinking this, but I feel violated. SO. I'm thinking of addressing the elephant in the room and directly asking them why they have a camera, and telling them how creepy that is for me. I know I had confided in the female when I was being tormented by my psycho neighbor and I also know I told her about him watching me....

    I just need some objective feedback from anyone who may help me to address this in a way that isn't a reaction to other stuff...Even now that I've disconnected it, I wonder is there some other type of monitoring such as a hidden something that can hear me...?? IF I decide to address this at all, I will wait until they are back rather than text her or anything of that nature...but this REALLY bothers me!!!!! Cause my gut is telling me something that I don't want to hear!!

  • lorrainequiche59
    lorrainequiche59 Posts: 900 Member
    @FeelinFooFoo thanks. Yes, I definitely need to address this for MY peace of mind. As far as the security end of things, these people leave their doors unlocked at all times even when they are out of the country or gone for other extended times. In fact, they gave me the only key awhile back because I do NOT like leaving the doors unlocked when I leave & they have never asked for it back. So, I'm thinking security isn't a huge concern for them.