thatsagoodkitty Member


  • Honestly I'd say it's better to have what you want within your calorie and macro goals. If you really want something, sacrifice a bit that day to make up for it. If your goal is weight loss, a day or two of hitting maintenance won't set you back. It's important to do whatever is sustainable.
  • I find rewards really help. For my latest one, I made an appointment with a dietician to really fine tune my nutritional needs, and make sure I'm on track to being healthy. Next one, thinking of a heart rate monitor, or maybe a manicure. I like to decide on a few things I'd like and decide what when I get there :)
  • Sometimes I will pre input food into MFP for the evening, and it helps me to be accountable, as I know I've hit my macros and calorie limit
  • I'm also just becoming interested as I learn to cook. Meat is very expensive, and not forgiving when learning to cook, I've done research into getting proper protein from vegetarian sources. I'm actually seeing a dietician on Tuesday to talk to about this and get some firm advice. I'm very interested to see how it goes.