My bewitching hour

it seems I do great all day stay full, exercise but something between 5-7pm that I just can eat crappy and ruin my healthy eating. Any suggestions on how to manage this vicious cycle


  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Learn to eat in moderation. Manage your calories so that you enough left for that time period for the food you want to eat, and you don't go over your calorie goal for the day. "Healthy" eating - don't get hung up on thinking you can only eat certain kinds of food, or you will end up missing the foods you like, and overeating them when you do finally allow yourself to eat them. Have a serving of them each day, and your body will be satisfied with what it is getting.
    What is a serving of them, you ask? Buy a digital food scale and weigh out a serving according to the nutrition panel on the package. Using a food scale to weigh all of your solid foods will allow you to control your calorie intake and meet your goals each day.
  • sheila2323
    sheila2323 Posts: 43 Member
    Can you exercise during that time? Or go for a walk? I took up crocheting to keep my hands out of the chip bag :)
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    What time do you eat dinner? How about eating it between 5-7? I'm not being occurs to me that you are hungry and need to have a meal, and by not eating during this time you are getting over hungry and just grabbing what is quick and easy. Alternatively, if you like to eat a bit later, as I do, have a small (100-150 calorie) snack and then eat dinner at 7 pm. If you are eating dinner before 5 pm, perhaps that is too early and you get hungry again by 7. Or, you are not eating enough for dinner and you get hungry again...
  • thatsagoodkitty
    thatsagoodkitty Posts: 4 Member
    Sometimes I will pre input food into MFP for the evening, and it helps me to be accountable, as I know I've hit my macros and calorie limit