fitzmonkey13 Member


  • @wellthenwhat THAT is a fantastic pixie. I just love it!!!! How are you liking it? How many times have you put the old amount of shampoo/conditioner/hair product in your hand before you remembered and had to figure out what do with the extra? :D @ParanormaLauren I so want to steal that dress! Bet it felt good to go out…
  • I'm interested! Spending the month job hunting so I'll definitely need reminders to walk away from my laptop and my couch.
  • If the bars are a problem, could you eat the ingredients that you can eat? Dates, raisins, whatever dried fruit you can get your hands on? Handfuls of nuts? Their flavours tend to be mild so they are easier to eat when you have no appetite and they are calorie dense so you don't need a lot of them to get some sustenance.…
  • @nickiphillips1 Physiotherapist. I'm trying a new one because the last one (a few years back) never told me what the actual problem was (torn meniscus? MCL injury? Arthritis? Aliens? Who knows?!?). Also, after doing ultrasound and tens therapy, I was sold an expensive brace and not given any follow up. If I'd been given…
  • @nickiphillips1 Sounds like great feedback from your swimming buds! Sinus infections suck. I love that you are not letting it keep you down, and I'm glad you are going to see someone about it before it gets any worse. @aleahurst Happy dance and a walk? Look at you, kicking *kitten* and taking names! @str8bowbabe I know…
  • If it's muscle soreness/exhaustion, I usually do a fairly gentle walk that day, or about 20 minutes of light stretching. I don't want to do nothing because then I'll be even more sore and tight the next day. But I certainly don't push through and do more of the same because I'm concerned about injuries at this stage of my…
  • Yes. Anything that convinces you to leave the house and get your exercise is great!
  • CONGRATULATIONS!!! So great to see people succeeding!
  • Baby steps! Remember how long it took you to get close to your goal in the first place. You won't get back there overnight and that's okay. Start small. Set one small goal for each week. If you just log your food for a week, that's an achievement. Maybe the next week you can commit to exercising a specific amount - the…
  • If you have any inclination toward being crafty, you can do some minor tailoring yourself. There are lots of tutorials on YouTube and Instructables (or classes on Craftsy) for slimming a waistband or adding a dart to a shirt. Even moving buttons over, or punching a hole in a belt can get you through a size or two. If you…
  • @alaskandelight I am jealous of your hikes! My area around here is so flat that the hikes are a little dull. Can't wait till I go north for the May long weekend where walking through the woods means hills and rocks! And I can't wait to try that Peanut Sauce. @aleahurst I love that in spite of all your health issues, you go…
  • I usually do a high protein smoothie (pasteurized egg whites, almond milk, greek yogurt, oatmeal, fruit). I make it the night before while prepping lunches so in the morning I just have to give it a bit of a shake and go. If I have time, I'll add a slice of toast or something I've baked and frozen like a pancake or apple…
  • I work an office job. I find taking short walks throughout the day helps. Instead of a coffee break, I walk briskly around the outside of the building for 5-10 minutes a couple of times a day, or take a walk at a nearby park my lunch. I also try to do one fitness thing per day after work, even if it's just a 20-30 minute…
  • @fangcat623 A plan is the way to go. You might have had a rough couple of days but your attitude about moving forward is what will get you where want to be. Good for you for looking forward and not back. @wellthenwhat Weekends with lots of activities can be a challenge. I hope that you enjoyed all those treats! Not only is…
  • I found a box of SimplyProtein Bars at Costco. (~150 calories with ~15 g of protein, depending on flavour). They also have a good selection of SimplyProtein bars and chips at Bulk Barn. (They are expensive there, but I bought one of each to try different flavours before I order them from the website.)
  • Hi everyone! I'm just checking in to wish everyone a wonderful weekend! I have a lot on my plate so I won't be able to get online as much. But since all the stuff I have going is pretty good stuff and hanging out with friends, I know it's going to be a busy, messy, loud weekend! I'm going to work in a bike ride and try for…
  • Ba ha ha ha ha!!! I love it!!!
  • I was on a practically 0 fat diet for about 4 months while going through the diagnostic and wait time for my gallbladder operation. It was awful. Unfortunately, I lived on one particular brand of vegetarian hot dog for protein and white french bread and sugary cereals. I ate some vegetables but some of them caused attacks…
  • That ^^ right there? is the best part of this post. *kitten* happen. You just have to figure out how best to live your life in the face of that fact. So glad you are going to get back out there.
  • @sabinki I just have to ask, were they good cupcakes at least? If you gotta bust out, I hope you at least enjoyed them. Like you said, it's done. Track it if you can and move forward. Into every life a little baklava must fall! Gardening and cleaning are good on so many levels and I bet you feel super-virtuous now. Enjoy…
  • Not far enough. It would be wrong to let him go on and do this to someone else's chocolate in the future. :D
  • Dieting has a long history of "suffering". I think it has to do with the way we are taught to see obesity as being due to laziness or greed. So you need to be punished for your sins, and dieting is some kind of penance. I read Yoni Freedhoff's The Diet Fix and it has helped me put some of my own issues into perspective.…
  • I've occasionally skipped logging small amounts of vegetables in recipes that I know will add less than 10 calories per serving. I have measured and weighed the green salad I usually make a few times and it's pretty much the same from day to day, so I don't measure that anymore, but I always log it. I also tend to take a…
  • I'm 5'4" and I picked 150 as my goal. It's just above the healthy range for my height, but I decided that I would work toward getting there. When I get to that point I'm going to have a conversation with my doctor based on my particular medical and family history to see where I need to go from there. To be honest, once I…
  • @purebredpolly @littlemeesy106 @Jackie_Paper @tabletop_joe @CT0526 @angelailnSF Welcome to the thread folks!!! Good to see you taking positive steps for yourself! @ParanormaLauren I loved your article. It was very sweet and fun to read. You must work hard on your writing because you have great style. @aleahurst Great…
  • I did it once years ago and had great success. Then I had a health issue and gained it all back waiting for surgery. I think it has a lot to teach about incorporating vegetables and fruits into your diet, and the support structure is really helpful. I tried again more recently and had a lot of trouble getting to meetings…
  • I saw this on Bored Panda today, and thought of all of you. Have a great day today full of Beautiful Behaviours!!!
  • @alaskandelight & @jessiquoi Is a spiralizer worth it? I try to avoid kitchen uni-taskers if I can, but I've been tempted by the spiralizers a few times. Do you find you use yours often? (When it isn't packed in a box after a big move, of course.) Also @alaskandelight - Mr. Peanutbutter is a GREAT dog name. <3 @KimF0715…
  • I've only been able to find PB&Me locally. I bought the "natural" kind that is only peanuts. I use real peanut butter on my toast, but I use the powder for lots of things - You can replace some of the flour in baked goods with it and it's awesome. My favourite afternoon snack is currently a half-cup plain greek yogurt with…
  • @aleahurst That is great. I'm printing it out to post in my cubicle and in my kitchen. @happysherri A. B. P. Always. Be. Plotting. B) Also, you are so right about the all or nothing attitude. My friend invited me to sushi this week, which I love, but I'm a little concerned about my ability to make good choices and track…