plaffo786 Member


  • Amazing! Huge transformation and from what you say a healthy approach in achieving it fab work!
  • Wow thanks gerardokeefe and velmada, huge amount of information there thanks a mill, I'm 5'9 and have been working up in the running but have found I have binged a couple of times which would make sense now since I'm not eating enough calories, I didn't know about the loss of lean body weight Gerard so I'm going to up my…
  • I find Pilates great for overall stretching and strengthening my lower back and pulling my midsection in a little, but diet is hugely important and cardio to burn essential, would definitely recommend learning some Pilates though I can do so much more without the risk of pulling my back out
  • From what I've been reading here everyone's IBS is different. For me little to no glutin prevents bloating, no beer I just can't touch it. Onions and uncooked peppers another trigger, stress is huge tho no matter how good my food is gotta manage that it messes everything
  • For me bloating has always made me look heavier, I've found a high fiber low carb when possible helps, also there are some very good Pilates exercises that focus on core strength really helps tighten up that troublesome area
  • Rice gets me too! I've tried adding more greens, lighter on the carbs but my tummy doesn't complain. On the IBS note do u find it hard to reach the fiber quota? If so how....... I've had to use psyllium husk to try and bring it up
  • Nope, not as far as I know it's meal replacements I've done it and was quite happy but transitioning to "real food" wondering if ppl were able to keep they weight off It might be an Irish/English programme so may not be in America
  • I second everything faithful_chosen has so elequently said, be strong, we are all here to meet our goals whatever they may be, talk it out, try not to internalise your feelings maybe speak with someone you trust you'd be surprised how many of us go through negative thoughts but we are still here still winning one day at a…
  • Been there had the tears, food and mood are so interlinked for alot of us that it's almost like we give permission to ourselves to treat on a good day treat on a bad day and then everyday is a treat, sadly that's how we get fat and when we start to tackle the weight the food connection rears its ugly head and we battle…
  • Don't you just hate it! A pet hate of mine, I've lost weight and like you I'm not sure how much they have reduced, I'm told by others they have but I think we sometimes overestimate how bad/ugly the are based on our perceptions, well done on the weight loss so far keep your focus they must be reducing if your getting…
  • I think maybe just healthier choices can help keep your mind clear and your thought processes on the right track foods high in sugar fat and processed foods tend to slow down the body and mind, your still very young so maybe focus on feeling better about your body and feed it nourish it love it and you will look and feel…
  • Thanks lemurcat12 will take on board your advice some valuable points made everyone fingers crossed I break the habit, think getting rid of just thinking about pounds and look at how my body is changing is a thought process that needs to be engaged rather than the splurging Cheers everyone
  • I hear you! Same problem at the moment I'm wondering when hormonal does our body crave more during its period
  • Wow that's amazing well done I really hope everything keeps working out for you great job
  • The app will pretty much do it for you, just enter the foods in your diary and watch the calories add up
  • Great advice everyone thanks! Even the starting of a song lol Stuck to a 1200 cal limit with 500 cal worked off in running, really trying to get my weight down I'm using the macros and nutritional guide that is set here..... Should I change it? I don't eat over 1200 with the exercise is this a bad idea? Sorry if I seem a…
  • I'm not sure what your asking?
  • I haven't but would be interested in recipes that use it
    in Spirulina Comment by plaffo786 July 2015
  • I have the f@ck it moment, I've had a stressful day or I just am craving sugar or carbs, it's a life habit hard to break but the best thing is not to beat yourself up after, remember tomorrow is a new day. Refocus and reward yourself with some healthy food
  • I like two slices of deli chicken befor not sure on what the experts advise but I try to follow a high fiber high protein for days when working out, I'm liking the results so far
  • Hey id be up for that, new to this but up to the challenge
  • Stick to breakfast lunch and dinner make healthy tasty choices and plenty of water, water I find is hugely important in avoiding cravings. Plenty of protein to fill you up, stick to 1200 a day and it will work!!!
  • 3 hrs is a huge commitment and you will set yourself up for failure and that's what gets us all, try slowly increasing your time rather than jumping straight in your body will strengthen as you go, over doing it can lead to injury and worse case scenario you could do more harm than good, I commend your commitment but don't…
  • Dogs rock I've 4 all little nutters but such love bundles
  • Cheers stm that may very well be playing a part great advice here really motivating Support
  • Thanks liftingheavy think I'll rejig to cleaner greener options, will start focusing on what I see rather than the scales, cheers girls feeling motivated again :D
  • Thanks ladies much appreciated
  • Yeah sorry I wasn't clear, I'd lost that and then stopped, think I need to get my mind around slow and steady thanks for the advice