Junomatic Member


  • Hey! I'm definitely up for chatting. I'm 5'5, 124lbs and my goal weight is 115lbs. It my heaviest this last January, I was 150lbs. I finished the C25K program a two months ago, and I'm busy working my way through the B210K program. This October I'll run my first 10k marathon, and then begin training for a half-marathon.
  • Good suggestions. I've always been on the fence about Eminem, but those are two great songs. I'll look into chillstep. I prefer louder, faster-paced stuff for running, but chilstep might be good for yoga and weights.
  • Hey! Good luck with your journey. I've had a lot of stops and starts over the years, and I feel like I've finally gotten into the groove of this health thing. I'm happy to chat with you and provide you with support as you go.
  • Good luck with all of them! I'm running my 10K in October, and then I'll begin looking into running a half marathon. I've already worked through the C25K and found it really helpful. The B210K is much more challenging, but still really enjoyable.
    in B210K Comment by Junomatic July 2015
  • Oooo, loud. I like it. I'll listen to some more and maybe add them to my play list. Thanks!. :D
  • Hey. I'm about half way through the B210K (just finished week 11 today), and I'd love some more people to chat with about it. The program is great, and it's definitely a work out. Are you planning on running a 10K marathon?
    in B210K Comment by Junomatic July 2015
  • Good luck with your 10K! I've found yoga incredibly helpful for keeping any post-running cramps and stiffness away.
  • Yoga with Adriene is awesome! I think she's, at this point, taught me just about everything I know about yoga. I've worked through all of her Foundations series, and about half of her 30-Days. I keep getting distracted, though, and stopping the 30-Days. Thanks for the welcome, strozman! So far so good. Here's hoping I keep…
  • Sure thing! And good luck this time around! I hope C25K works for you. Once I have the money I'll look into taking some Yoga classes. I think there's some studios in town that offer Bikram yoga. Right now I'm limited to Yoga videos on youtube.
  • Same thing. I made an account about two years ago, and then ended up using a different tracker instead. After a plateau I'm back to give MFP a try. I like the community aspect of this place. It's nice to be able to share and motivate each other.
  • Hey. Good luck! Add me if you want someone to chat with and share motivation. :)
  • Thanks! Good luck to you, too. If you're already running 5K in 45 minutes, then you'll probably be in great shape for a 5K run in September. When I first started running, I downloaded the C25K app and worked through it. I found it a great program. Currently I'm on the 'squeal', B210K, and it's going well. I've never tried…