jamiebowling89 Member


  • I think its resistance training? Like I use weights, but very small ones (5lb) so its not trying to bulk up or anything. Idk. I'm going to have to look more into it, bc I don't know what the exercises are called. My goals: lift and play with my kids without getting tired after 10 minutes, and without feeling like my arms…
  • I'm been doing a semi-low carb, but cracking down tomorrow. I've done low-carb a few times, and the weight does fly off. Make sure to keep your protein and fiber high (fiber because... Well if you don't keep your fiber intake high, you'll figure out why its a priority lol). I just got this app, so I don't know what people…
  • You were born in 1996? Holy crap, I feel old. Haha Good luck!
  • My baby is 3 months now. I am hovering around 200lbs. My husband has recently started losing weight, and now weighs less than me. We've always been close, but he was always above me by about 10lbs, so its upsetting to weigh more. I'm the woman- I'm supposed to weigh less! Before I got pregnant this last time, I was around…
  • I know how you feel. Only 1 year ago, I was at my goal weight, and I looked/felt awesome. That was 30lbs and countless slices of pizza ago. :/ I'm determined to get back to where I was. We did it before, and we can do it again. :) Good luck!