lori_allison_noel Member


  • You're right! I've been 120lbs in the past and been wearing a size 0. Number doesn't really have anything to do with it haha:) however I'm a runner so I try to weigh as less as possible with the most Muscle
  • I gained about 5lbs over the past year but it's usually around my middle so my jeans have felt uncomfortable lately.
  • Hey! I'm 5feet as well. It's so much harder as a short girl.. Every lb shows :( after my first year of college I weighed 140lbs.. Got down to 113 with diet and exercise but now I'm 22, graduated and back up to 120. Trying to take off 10lbs :)
  • Hey, I started using mfp when I was 19 too! I'm 22 now and have been using it off and on it always helps when I stick with it! I was 140 after my first year of college and dropped to 114lbs using this app and Instagram as Motivation:) now that I'm older I'm back up to 120 because it's harder to lose weight as you get older…