PinkDeerBoy Member


  • MapMyWalk or a Fitbit if you have the extra money to buy one.
  • You could attribute 2lbs to water weight easily. How often to do you weigh yourself? It might be a better idea to weigh yourself a few times a week, record it, and pay attention to the overall average. If you are continually gaining, then try lowering your intake a little at a time until you find where you maintain. Also…
  • I have social anxiety too. I have found going to a smaller gym has really helped me. I know the times when basically nobody is there, so I can do what I need without worrying too much. I've also found that regularly working out has helped me better manage my anxiety over time. When I do go to a bigger gym (my college's) I…
  • I don't see it realistically happening when you have so little to lose and are already a healthy weight for your height. Don't let that stop you from try to lose a little bit of weight if you really want to. It might help you make better eating choices once school starts. Just set proper goals. You probably shouldn't aim…
  • I usually get around 70g-90g a day (usually lower end of that range), but I'm trying to work on increasing it a little.
  • Nice! I've seen them before at the store, but was hesitant about getting one thinking I wouldn't like it. I'm really thinking about getting one now.
  • If you don't like it, find an alternative you like. I've had a few new protein items I've tried, some where great, some were god awful. I would finish it, but wouldn't try it again. I'm not going to eat something I dislike just because of it's nutrition value. Mostly because I can probably something else I like more, but…
  • Unless I am hungry and need it, I usually do not eat my exercise calories the day I get them, instead I save them. That way I don't have to worry about once a week or so having a meal that normally would not fit into my goals. Most weekends my family likes to eat out, ordering something, get a special meal, and such, so…
  • Check the recipes sub forum here, but also check if your college offers cooking lessons. My college offers them every semester, because they know there are a lot of people who will be cooking for themselves for the first time. Obviously, though, that would not be until you go back, so may not be the best option. I've been…
  • Maybe take the time to consider your goals. Are they realistic? It isn't as much about a diet, as changing your lifestyle. So don't try and make dramatic sudden changes you don't feel like you can live with once the weight is gone. What is your current weight loss goal per week? You could be aiming for something too…
  • I am a college student too, and the main advice I can give is preplan your meals. Usually the night before or in the morning I plan what I am going to eat that day. Another thing is getting a bowl, putting whatever snack your going to eat in there, and then putting the rest away. When studying I would do the mindless hand…
  • The common suggestion is weigh yourself every day, record the number, and take an average for the week, or weight yourself less often. I choose to weigh myself Monday and Friday, but only record my Monday weight.
  • Congrats! Always nice to see hard work paying off.
  • I don't have my fitbit yet (it is coming the mail today) and I would love to add some folks for motivation!
  • I just recently ordered a fitbit zip, and it is supposed to be here today. I wanted to get one of the cheaper ones to decide how I liked it, and how motivational I found it. I kept looking at the more expensive ones and asking myself "Will I really use all of those functions?" If I like the zip I might put away some extra…
  • Great suggestions everyone. I am also realizing that I'm not getting enough fiber, and usually the only days I hit my macro is when I have a bar. (either protein bar or fiber ones) I'll have to make a little list for myself.
  • You can't just avoid all social gatherings for the rest of your life because there may be food. Learn to eat whatever is being served in moderation, or bring your own dish to pass that better fits into your eating goals. We're always the one in the family bringing the veggie tray now, it seems.
  • I love the lemon ones! I think I might have a few left in my snack pile. This would be a great idea. Thank you for sharing.
  • I have anxiety too, so I can relate a lot. Do you have any smaller gyms in your area? I used to be intimidated by things like the Y and other big gyms, so I was scared of joining any gym. Now I found a smaller gym, and I'm happy there. We have about a half dozen people in a class and it makes it where I don't feel…
  • If you are still hungry and want to eat them, but if not, don't stress it. As long as you eat under your limit you should lose weight. A generally suggestion I see around here is not to eat under 1,200 cals though. Are you weighing your food, by the way?
  • Exercise is good for your health, but not necessary to lose weight. As long as your calories in are less than calories out you should still lose weight.
  • I just got some last night because the convince store had them on sale. I got s'mores and cookies and cream. I ate the s'mores on my walk back and thought the taste was pretty good, but texture was a bit grainy. Hoping I like the cookies and cream a bit more. I'm thinking about ordering a variety pack from Amazon since…
  • I usually weigh at least Monday and Friday.
  • Thank you for the read. I think for what I want, I will get one without a HRM for now.
  • Hmmm reading some of the posts here makes me question if I want to spend the extra to get the fitbit with a HRM. :s
  • I still have Cherry Coke, but in moderation, and I have been losing weight. I used to drink at least 2 a day. Even worse I had access to the fountain kind. Now I only have 1 a day a few times a week if I have the extra calories. I could probably have it more often if I changed to diet/zero but I don't care for the taste as…
    in Cokes. Comment by PinkDeerBoy July 2015
  • Some of my usuals are Yogurt Cottage cheese Cucumbers or carrots Crackers Cinnamon or Ginger snap cookies Jerky Though sometimes I might have a tea or hard candy instead, and if I still feel hungry 20 or so minutes later then I will have a snack.