teenytinysquirrels Member


  • At this point I feel really good. I did have one day where I literally forgot and got a Starbucks latte and then had a cupcake later in the day because "I already messed up today", I'm very bad about black and white thinking. Honestly, my intense cravings for sweets seem to go away when I tell myself that I am not allowed…
  • Thanks y'all! I ended up not eating any cake and today I bought a (cheap) new dress and tank top. Thanks for the support!! :D
  • I just realized today that I feel pretty good! Haha. I had a Sunday full of high-energy cleaning and organizing and now I am wondering if that came from eating better. I am definitely going to keep it up! It hasn't been as difficult as I was expecting.
  • That's great! I would have SUCH a hard time not trying to justify why I should devour cake at a birthday party. Excellent work! How does 6 days feel so far?
  • You can usually find Lily's brand stevia sweetened chocolate bars at any health food store if you're in the U.S. I got mine from a local store but I just saw them for sale at Fresh Market. They're SO GOOD and the dark chocolate seems to go a lot further for me as a treat because it is so intense. I was definitely thinking…
  • I ate a little sugar today! I am not sure what happened because I had a whole paragraph response that disappered when I posted so I am editing now! I ate a little added sugar today because I am finishing up groceries that were bought before I joined the group. I intend to buy sugar free groceries this weekend. To get me…
  • Agh! Haha...I'm a dingbat! This is the first time I have joined a group on here so forgive me for starting my own separate introduction. I don't know what the rules are or if there are any about that! 1withwolf, I am really excited about swapping ideas for sugar replacements, too! I have really been thinking a lot about…