mauriscool Member


  • My body percent fat isn't very low. I would say I'm roughly at a 10-12% range. If I feel like i'm not getting enough fat I will eat nuts and seeds.
  • Your body will get use to the movements but as long as you have some sort of progressive overload then you won't plateau. This could be increase in reps, weights, sets or shorter rest breaks
  • I'm a sprinter and bodybuilder. I get about 70% carbs, 20% protein and 10% fat on the days I workout. On rest days I will probably be at 55-60% carbs and 25-30% protein. Some rest days I will increase fat up to about the same as protein, while keeping carbs somewhat lower.
  • I would recommend fruits that are high in calories. If you eat plenty in one serving it might make you feel bloated. Bananas are pretty high, as well as avocado. Some pears are decently high in calories but I tend to find that they make me feel hungrier after eating them
  • I range at about 60-80g on a vegan diet. Minimum amount I have heard is about 30-40g. Most health fitness magazines will say to eat your weight in the amount of grams of protein. I agree to disagree with you on stuff like this. In order for me to determine if I am getting enough protein I do it relative to how sore I am…
  • there is plenty of stuff. I have recently gone vegan. I eat lots of carbs throughout the day. to name a few: rice, beans, pasta, bread. I also eat a lot of different fruits.