Have you tried GLP1 medications and found it didn't work for you? We'd like to hear about your experiences, what you tried, why it didn't work and how you're doing now. Click here to tell us your story
This was both educational and inspiring. Thanks for sharing your experiences and insight. May I share this with two friends who are on this LCHF journey with me but not on MFP?
What is beef tallow? Is used like cooking other cooking fats?
Recently, while out to lunch with co-workers, I made a salad at the salad bar and loaded it with cheese, black olives, bacon bits and olive oil. One co-worker commented "Wow! Going off your diet today?" I just smiled and told her that I had lost over 50 pounds eating this way every day. Eating high amounts of fat just…
Thank you for explaining "kitten." I was so confused by this that I Googled it, only to be told it's a baby cat.
Just stick with it. It'll move. I used to weigh every day but now I resist that urge. I only weigh weekly now and have found it something to look forward to. When I weighed every day I would get so anxious about not seeing it move.
Lou Ana coconut oil is the only coconut oil I've tried that doesn't taste like coconut.
While riding the recumbent bike at the gym my hips always touches the side handles of the seat. Well, not today!!!
Thanks for that encouragement!
Thanks everyone.
Thanks everyone for weighing in! :D Started the pull back on cheese this weekend. Eager to see if it makes any difference.
Tried sending a few friend requests, but I just realized I don't know how!
Good advice, thank you!
Interesting, thanks!
Nice to finally hear of reports like this! I just hope that as this news spreads and people switch to LCHF, the price of bacon doesn't go up! LOL Thanks for the link.
Friend me too! I started MFP in July 2015 at 249 pounds and am now down to 207. Goal is 170. Started LCHF around Easter of this year. Since then there have been fewer plateaus and stalls. I still log all meals but I'm more focused on meeting macro goals than calorie goals. LCHF seems to take care of that.
You can do this. Meal planning helps I think. I hate wasting food so it helps me stick to my goals. Keep us posted!
Coffee is brain food IMO.
That's awesome, thanks for input!
Thanks. That helps.
That clears up the mystery. Thanks everyone. I'm currently adding full fat cream to my coffee but I'm curious about the butter now. May give it a try.
Love seeing all the veggies too. Completely proves the skeptics wrong about lo carbers not eating veggies.
Getting some great ideas here!
Congratulations! What an amazing accomplishment. Your story inspires us all I'm sure.
I'm new to this too but from everything I have read (Ditch the carbs and Diet Doctor) there are studies to back up the fact that excess carbs ĺeads to weight gain (for most) and that there is no to little impact in energry levels by lowering your carb intake. In fact i would argue the opposite. In 19 days of following LCHF…
I'm just amazed at how "unhungry" I am these days. Although sometimes I feel almost gluttonous at the amount of fat I'm adding to veggies and such. LOL Being hungry while focusing on calories drove me to fall of the calorie wagon from time to time, and then I would get mad at myself for not having enough will power to just…
I love this thread! When I started at 249 I looked like a big round blob. At 215 I'm noticing my hour glass figure start to reemerge. Looking forward to continuing to notice more changes as I trek towards my goal of 175.
Welcome! So glad you are making healthy changes. I love diet sodas too but limit them to one a week or so. I've learned to like ice tea with stevia. Good luck to you!
Welcome! MFP has been an awesome way for me to learn better eating habits. I love it. But I think we all go thru periods where we slack off a bit. I know I do, but after a couple of days or so I jump right back on and so far it those slack off periods haven't set back too much. Good luck to you!