I'm doing the exact same :) wishing you luck
I'm also back using the app to make sure my calories are on point each day. Some days are quite difficult to get them all in. Would be great to have some people for support who are looking a similar thing. I'm currently recovering for a relapse in my ED. Keep positive guys
I'm starting to gain as well☺ the more support and motivation the better
Thanks so much for your words! Sometimes it feels like no one around me knows how I feel and to be honest I can't really expect them to fully, so it means a lot to have someone to speak to who has been there and can relate.
Hi, im also in need of weight gain. Increasing food intake and also weight training. Would love some new friends to keep on track and share tips with. Two years ago i won a local strong woman comp...but life took over and i lost a lot of weight in the following few years. Bit scary starting over again! :-)
Im currently looking to gain weight and get tonned up. Would love Some inspirational friends to keep on track. :-)