kcannis Member


  • I like stir frys with shredded brussel sprouts, riced cauliflower, broccoli, mushrooms, and red peppers or eggplant with chicken breast. Try eating a 3 cups of vegetables wiht 4 oz. of chicken breast. Very filling. Put a low calorie seasoning on it. I like the new sugar-free bbq sauces. They taste sweet and sour.
  • Oh, and when you have been doing a lifetime, it not going to go away in a week or a month.
  • I would never call it an addiction, eating too much dessert was a bad habit. It is so true about giving up your power to choose. It is just being the boss of yourself. I am not perfect at having just the right amount of dessert, but I'm not going to obstain from desserts for the rest of my life. That's not practical and I…
  • We Asked: Joy Dubost, R.D., is a nutritionist, food scientist and a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The Answer: Whether it’s in a piece of fruit, your soda or a pastry, sugar is made up of the same two components: fructose and glucose. The molecular structure and composition of sugar molecules is…
  • You can eat a lot more apples than you can candy bars. A calorie is just not a calorie.
  • Sugar in fruit will not cause you to gain weight the same way raw sugar will; like candy and pastries, refined sugars. However, too much fruit will make you gain weight. Eat berries--like strawberries. If I'm craving something sugary, I will eat 3 apples or 2 cups of strawberries before I'll eat 2 pieces of cake. I won't…
  • I like a 1/2 scoop of chocolate protein powder 50 calories and a starbucks instant VIA Italian Roast (or any starbucks or petes coffee) in my shaker with ice (I add about a 10 ounces of water.) and shake. Delicious. Then go work out.
  • The best way to get rid of the blues/depression is to exercise a lot! Go to the gym.