IAmAWomanOnAMission Member


  • Not sure if you are sticking to any plan... High protein or low carb etc... I like pasta salads Or couscous with lots of chilli and veg Roasted veg Chopped potato wedges with chicken seasoning or other spices Beans on toast or spaghetti Any open sandwich Frittata Omelette Bean soup homemade I could go on lol good luck!!!
  • Hi... Newbie here too. So we can all spur one another on if you like? Xx
  • Oops ... The more things I do, I think it will keep me on track. Xx
  • Hi... Well if you ever want a buddy that is doing SW too then let me know. I am looking to do a nutritional course which might help me and I spoke to my dr and he said if I want to do a support group he would be happy for me to do it at the health centre... The more things I don't think it will keep me on track! I agree…
  • I don I don't always think it is about selling weight loss.. Sometimes it is the companionship that you get knowing everyone is on the same route be it 20 lbs or 10 stone to lose. Some people are strong... Some need that helping hand and if theirs is for slimming then best of luck... I have done SW and lost 3 stone... But…
  • Just joined today so lots to learn think thin peeps!!