
I'm also new and could really do with some new friends to keep Me motivated and help Me on the way
To a fit healthier lifestyle :-)


  • compeausd01
    compeausd01 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I just started this yesterday, and it seems great, I could use a friend new to it also
  • IAmAWomanOnAMission
    IAmAWomanOnAMission Posts: 7 Member

    Newbie here too.

    So we can all spur one another on if you like? Xx
  • nldmaglet
    nldmaglet Posts: 7 Member
    Newbie here too and would love some friends to keep me motivated and be held accountable if I mess up. Encouragement as well. Good luck on your journey and always believe in yourself. U.S. Women are strong and we will prove that we can do this. Be positive. Have a good day.
  • amandagarland1
    amandagarland1 Posts: 2 Member
    Happy Monday everyone :D