newtnest Member


  • I only partially agree with you. Some are, for sure, but this particular Naturopath is a traditionally trained physician as well. In any case, I don't agree with her here.
  • I guess the bottom line is we all have to do what feels right for us. I, like others here, don't cut any food groups out. What MFP has done for me is to keep me accountable, and it has also been a real education - some foods just aren't worth it. If I want to have a glass of wine, I plan for it and workout that much…
  • Exactly. This has always been my stance on the whole thing. I was prompted to put the question out there, as once again I saw a video with a naturopath advising to cut out dairy. I just have never heard the scientific reason (outside of allergies, medical issues) for that train of thought. I'm going to keep eating it!!
  • Wow, great responses! It's my first community post, so thanks for participating!! I love how most of you ran with the "evil" descriptor
  • 45 here - and like so many of you, just getting started...again. We can all do it!