I don't mind that he eats at his desk but the lip smacking and 'MMMMMM"s and "Oh man"s are a bit over the top and sometimes awkward.
lol At least you admit it!
The guy that sits next to me is a angry typer as well. He also eats at his desk and has food-gasms.
I am currently training for a half marathon. I used to run half and fulls all the time, but haven't done one in about 3 years. My personal advice would not to worry about pace, but look at hitting distances or time durations. As long as you are getting the miles or the time, its not going to make a difference on how fast…
Good morning. I used to do a bunch of races but haven't in the past 4 years. I am currently training for my first half since.
Google some training plans. Hal Higdon has some great ones.
Flexibility is definitely my weakness. I need to focus on it more and make some gains there, but its so boring!
I have had that problem as well. Sometimes skipping eyes in my shoes helps loosen the laces and it sometimes work. Not sure why it happens though, maybe from swelling as you workout.
Good morning. I am Beth from Michigan. I am 37.