potadre Member


  • That said! Now that I'm used to using it, I've gotten pretty good at eyeballing things. Once you weigh certain things a few times you obviously get a better idea of what a portion size is, and you get a handle on, for instance, what 100 grams feels and looks like, which is useful if you're in a hurry or your stupid scale…
  • Getting a digital food scale was by far the single most important factor contributing to my being able to lose weight. I'm pretty much not capable of losing weight without using it, I wish I was exaggerating. I got to my goal weight a while ago and then got pretty lax about it and decided to see what would happen if I…
  • I also find that pre-logging works really well for me, I end up spending a lot less time trying to figure out what to eat, which I'll otherwise often end up doing when I start to feel hungry at which point options may be limited or I may be more prone to make poor impulse decisions. It also helps me cut down on food waste…
  • What else are you putting into your fruit smoothie for breakfast? Fruit is great but if you're not pairing it with protein of some kind, it's probably causing a spike and then a dip in your blood sugar levels which may leave you feeling pretty hungry again a little while after you consume it.
  • It's added sugar that's problematic, you don't need to worry about natural sugars from fruits and vegetables (unless you have a medical condition like diabetes). That's of course if you're eating the fruit whole and unprocessed rather than in a processed food with added fructose or fruit derived sweeteners, those aren't…
  • I can relate to this, I've never liked the shape of my body and where fat tends to go, and always kind of assumed that if I lost enough weight I'd be happy with everything. Turns out to not be not the case, I'm 5'6" and got down to 124lbs a couple months ago and still am not happy with my shape, I just feel like a thinner…
  • I currently have my MFP calorie limit set to 1200 calories, I'd like to lose about 10 pounds. I did it a few months ago and then gained most of it back so I'm starting over. Personally, I find that my appetite fluctuates quite a bit related to my hormonal cycle, some days 1200 is completely fine, other days it's not…
  • I can completely relate. Last year I tried calorie counting with MFP for the first time and got all the way down to my goal weight which I've never been able to do. I felt so great that I decided I could stop keeping track for a bit and see what happens and man, it's very easy to put all the weight back on! I stopped…