MaggieBrennenFit Member


  • I would love some Fitbit friends
  • I have Turbo Fire but have never gone through the whole program yet. I kinda took a couple years off from working out when I got pregnant with my son and now am working through turbo jam and planning on doing turbo fire next. But I think as long as you keep going and don't give up you will see results. Turbo fire is…
  • I know how you feel. My husband is so unsupportive of me. He told me "don't be trying to do some crazy diet" the other day. Always criticizing my working out and attempting to make healthier choices. It is hard to stay focused when someone so close to you is unsupportive.
  • I know how you feel. I was successful at Lisbon weight and getting in shape a couple years ago...and then I got pregnant. I have lost quite a bit of weight since having my son but I still have 22 pounds to go to get to the weight I was when I felt healthy, fit, and confident.
  • Hi guys :) I have been a mfp member for a long time but just started getting serious again. This is week 2 trying to get healthy and lose 20 pounds to reach a healthy weight for my height. Looking for all the friends and support I can get.
  • Mine never syncs as a workout, just steps. So I always log my workouts on mfp and mfp will adjust the calories accordingly.