Just for 9/6: Get as much laundry done as I can. Shop at the local market then healthy meal planning and preparation for a more organised and satisfying week ahead.
Well done on losing 70kgs then maintains the loss. It's where I'm hoping to be in however long it takes. I'm looking to loose it slowly by lifestyle changes I can keep up. I guess once I've lost enough to not feel threatened by the end goal I'll more than likely fess up.
That's a good attitude to have.
I've got a lot to loose. Probably once I've lost a solid chunk of it I won't be able resist bragging to him and my family. The thought of my parents or sisters knowing my current weight also makes me squirm. I guess it's just that my weight is an emotional hot button for me (and plenty of other people too)
It should be no big deal. I was surprised by how much I freaked out. My husband does know way more than he'd probably like to through having to accompany me on Doctors visits due to language barriers.
Hope everything goes well with the personal trainer. I'm also just out, and looking to loose 70kg, which is half my weight. I've tried before but never found something that clicked.
A long time ago when I lost weight with weight watchers I used to do that save points or calculate my dinner in advance. These days due to work my dinner is on the late side so I feel better when it's smaller so I'm not saving calories for it or I get tempted to overeat. While I crave a cooked dish, a salad with lean…
Hi, I'm also an Aussie. I grew up in the countryside but these days I'm living in Japan. I'm just starting to use this app and I'm hoping to lose 70 kilos. I hope that you have gotten off to a good start.
I really do need to change something before the road back becomes even harder. I've had good intentions for a long time. Now I need to find out what will work for me. What do you think works best for you?
Thanks. Making sure to add some protein to carbs and making better carbs choices are doable.