MikeMTrain Member


  • Just wanted to report back that I took everyone's suggestions into consideration. I just weighed in at 223.4 lbs. Part of my problem was not eating enough and my body retaining the calories due to additional physicaL activity that I could not monitor, and then there was some stress with the death of a family member that I…
  • Thank you everyone for the responses. I will look at all angles and report back in a couple of weeks.
  • My goals started out as 600 miles a year 50 miles / month, but I am obsessive and the next thing I know is I peaked out at 750 miles a year during year 3 while trying to reach 600 miles faster than the previous year and the year before that. So my goals this year are to maintain running 4 days a week for an hour and focus…
  • Thanks for the support, Hope to push thru the glass ceiling on my next Monday morning weigh in for the 30 lbs barrier. The only funny part about this is the timing. Why does it seem I start my diets in the fall? Holidays, food and every reason in the world to gorge. Haha
  • Thank you, 2.5 pounds a week for me is sustainable and more tolerant against weight gain for those times I want to binge. This time around it is more of a low impact high resistance run to keep me focused. I can't complain though, I love the results!!