robertw486 Member


  • I was glad someone beat me to it. I haven't tried since the change and ran into the same thing. Since I'm on an Android phone I have no idea at all how it works on a phone, since I can't see the community yet. But just a note to @actimomwifeboss and anyone else looking for friends. If you use the method above as shown, you…
  • Just as input... I have a simlar L5-S1 issue with the disc essentially trashed..... With a narrow hip belt adjusted low intentionally.... it can be done. Makes it a bit awkward. With normal belts and adjustment it's riding right where the problem disc is really, and a 100% "don't go there heavy" type of pressure. Though…
  • Because when all three things still applied we had no internet yet. And we didn't watch ultra high def TV's that barely fit on a wall.... because we didn't have them. And for the most part, I think that's a good thing. We were forced to go out in the world and interact. But it's not like we had much choice really. :)
  • The deficit will determine the body fat loss more than anything else. That being said, doing any real HIIT will use more muscle and promote water/glycogen retention. Not to mention that for some people it also makes them hungry quicker. Overall for fat loss, I can get more out of lower intensity steady state myself. It's…
  • I'm going to have to agree with @ReenieHJ on this one. MAKE, not find, time for yourself to decompress some. Give the kids more to do with daily household stuff, or make it a group thing. Find ways to shave off time on something that needs to be done by interacting with them, while they help accomplish something. It's easy…
  • Thanks for the heads up. I just zapped several of them. Some already had multiple flags so may have been gone by the time I saw this. Either way there shouldn't be any left.
  • Scroll to the top and click the star on the right. That will place it in bookmarks so you can find it again.
  • I tend to exercise and eat later in the day, so I understand the thing with having massive calories left to eat in the evening. I sometimes feel like I eat dinner and then just keeping eating until I sleep, and it's really not enjoyable. If I reach that point, I just try to eat what I can, and maybe eat a bit more the next…
  • I think the modern day MFP can handle it. Years back it would have been a dumpster fire. As for the lifting.... I could get a "buzz" lifting, but completely different from the cardio type.
  • No doubt, core stuff sucks at times. I've never even heard of such a thing myself, but the article claims it happens in both women and men. Interesting. I really only get the "high" when doing fairly tough cardio, and usually only after at least a half hour or more. Doing crazy hard intervals for a short period won't do…
  • I'm not sure if membership type matters, but I can see food logs back beyond 6 years ago. I think they did limit the amount stored that can be exported, but forget the exacts of it.
  • I just wanted to add that probably within an hour of posting my response here, I had to go get myself a mega spoonful of peanut butter! My ONLY regret is that I didn't have any chocolate to go with it. Sometimes we have to cut ourselves some slack. I'll be the first to admit that at times I'll have a morning of hard cardio…
  • There are plenty of good substitutes if you just look for them and get creative. Sometimes flavor is easily influenced by small portions of fatty stuff, certain veggies and roots, as well as some of the asian type rice seasonings and such. As stated, the worst stuff is the prepared meal or side type things. I'm assuming…
  • This... and one more question that would come to mind for me, since you said your BF is very supportive. Do you think you would feel this way if you were single? I'm not suggesting dump the BF, just that you might feel like you are doing it for him rather than doing it for yourself. And that might add that "pressure" of…
  • Been there, doing that. I slacked off and gained slowly for a few years, then last year really went to crap for a while. Paying that price now trying to get my cardio base back and dropping some weight. On the up side, anyone who has lost a decent bit of weight in the past at least knows how to make things happen and…
  • What I really don't get is the people that add person after person after person..... and then at some point you realize that they don't interact with ANY of them, ever. I can have no interaction with strangers driving down the road. But @TattedGemini just a suggestion. Fill out enough profile info so people have an idea…
  • Swimming, biking, hiking or just about anything with scenery, easy or hard.
  • As always, awesome stuff. I'd love to have that kind of terrain and scenery here.
  • Weight loss isn't linear. Over time the trends will show, but day to day it's not uncommon to see swings in weight. Hormones, hydration levels, food in transit, how much sodium you ate, and a host of other factors make for a lot of noise that hides the trends. For many people the most important factor is honest logging.…
  • It's all crazy at times. I've had major weight loss within a couple days of huge food consumption myself. Don't let it freak you out, just accept that weight loss isn't linear. I've had swings over 10 pounds in a day when I'm real active and it's hot out, and it's not uncommon to see 4-5 pound swings on a given day.
  • Also keep in mind that for a weight-bearing exercises your weight impacts the load and energy needed. For example running at a set speed is easier if you are lighter, so your heart rate will go down. Or, as is often the case, it's a combination of both things happening if you have been losing weight and exercising.
  • Quit sitting on your butt making excuses and adding friends that go work out! Am I doing it right? 😂 If you are on a web based browser you have to click the username twice before the add friend function shows. On the app it's right below the picture next to the envelope icon.
  • I'll take the serving for two on yours as well. That way I can keep one of each type as a "control" while I do my comparisons. :)
  • You're obviously wrong about other people riding, but don't let facts get in the way of your lacking argument. I was on dirt bikes in the 60's as a young kid, and through part of the 70's lived in Southern California where it was probably easier to count the people that didn't ride. Even the military bases had tracks of…
  • Yes...please. Serving for two if possible. Thank you!
  • Don't give up. We all make mistakes, and once it's done it's done. All you can do it try to make things right and let them know you feel bad about it. Families can drive us crazy at times, and anyone should know that. Relationships are hard, but the people that can work through those times are better for it. Sometimes…
  • I'm glad you feel you are the authority on the matter, and I'll assume that's directed at me since I was the only one that mentioned pogo sticks. Have you ever ridden a late 60's - early 70's motocross bike? MUCH more physical than todays bikes. Suspension of next to none, lack of any powerband control on the two strokes,…
  • I was wondering who bumped a zombie thread, and it's actually the person that started it for a change. Though I haven't read the whole thread, the basics of it were obvious from your first post. Move on, live your life, and don't tolerate a partner that treats you poorly. The physical aspects are just one part of any…