I will gladly admit that you never used the term "optimal" while defending 10mg as adequate to prevent scurvy and apologize for that. But it seems to be the bar you have set, even though at least two examples were given of heavy meat eaters getting scurvy. And that was part of my point, despite the bar being set extremely…
I'll just add this. Make 100% sure you don't have any issues with your actual back or spine, vs just muscle pains. As someone with essentially a completely shot disc in my back, I have some stretches and such that apply to protecting that disc area. But if it's form, overworking, etc..... you can be headed down a path to…
I've directly quoted where people are in fact stating things such as "just fill up with meat" and making it that simple, even suggesting that is why people push back. Suggestions that it is that simple don't seem to suggest research. And just as with vitamin concerns and such, when examples are given they are ignored.…
Zack Bitter has openly stated that he consumes 30-40 grams of carbs per hour during endurance racing. Though he does use low carb at times during training, he also admits to it lowering his performance until he added back in more carbs. His primary focus has been the ability to burn fat better to aid his fueling while…
Here is a great old thread by @ninberbuff. Pay attention to the people that charted weight loss trends vs food intake. Nothing happens instantly, stays stable long, or always makes sense in weight loss.
Hey Izzie, I'd listen to the ladies above. There are a lot of reasons weight loss isn't linear, and exercise is one of them, especially if it's something new you have added. More muscle use usually creates more water retention in the muscles, since glycogen (glucose) is carried by water essentially. It's doubtful you have…
Another local lady, who was unhappy with her appearance when she weighed in at 350 lbs. She said she is still not thrilled with the loose skin, but for someone 85 years old I think she looks younger.
What she said above. If you are a very petite woman, you need a lot of exercise to justify 2000 calories and don't want to gain weight. If you are larger, you might drop weight at that calorie level, with or without exercise. If you use the site to set goals, it will give you the number of calories to meet that goal. Use…
The funny thing is, I would have never considered the size of a banana to be an issue, until that much smaller than me woman pointed it out. And that got me thinking about package sizes for groceries, any food already prepared, even those things like fruit that don't come in small and large sizes. Not to mention daily…
Start by reading the posts that apply from this link.... From there, figure out what type of routine you want to do, then go for it. There are plenty of female lifters here, so any specific questions you have…
Great job on the initial weight loss, keep it up. I'm usually not a fan of protein powders except as a last resort if you can find alternatives like the above. I have used them some in smoothies and such, but most were more higher calorie and carb recovery type smooties. I've also seen mention of some people really liking…
There are a couple of specific exercises that help the most with weight gain. Mostly table push aways and fork put downs. They are proven to be effective. :) But on a more serious note, it'a all about calorie deficit and energy balance. If you can control your diet you can control your weight. Don't let hormone changes…
Hey Jen from CA. Hmmm..... advice? Read the posts at the top of each section in the community, and at least skim over most of the posts. They contain a LOT of great information that is new to people doing this kind of thing. And from there, accept that it takes time. Be patient. Don't let a bad day, week, or even month…
It might have the potential to get semi close to the basics, but even then it has to "learn" proper scaling. Is that a big steak and potato or a smaller one of each on a small plate? But with the proper learning algorithms involved, it might reach a point of being close enough so that the user could adjust (via quick add…
I'm more than comfortable with people taking whatever they want from the initial inquiry by the OP. We are all different and as such view things in differing ways. As for my latest response, someone inquired about an example of why such language might be used, and I simply gave one.
I'm not sure really. I've been overweight and even as a 6' tall guy, you have to keep in perspective the nutritional needs of enough protein, carbs, etc. And I've never been a petite woman, regardless of weight, so no direct comparison. I think the biggest hurdle regardless is portion sizes. I had never really thought…
There was 100 of the spammy posts. As of now, none. Thanks for everyone that sent out the alert and/or helped flag them. My mouse fingers are sore. :)
What is even more sad to me than these crazy claims in the ads is that there are people claiming to promote health that make claims of vegetables being the enemy. Or just about anything else for that matter. And in this day and age, people will fall for it.
Well darn... one more neighbor I'm not supposed to talk to according to my wife. This lady was twice this size, but didn't want the dreadful morning ritual of a teaspoon of spices, so she just got some special insoles. This photo was after she started eating a lot more and only wearing shoes with those insoles about 6…
It would be interesting to see what you want to "hack" with the CGM. Are you more looking to add stability to your blood sugar levels, learn how taxing workout X, Y, or Z is..... or something else? It might be fun to start a thread that outlines the types of things you are trying out. If you've been away for a while you…
Yeah, I can see now in my head how this idea plays out with my wife. Me: "But I just want a good photo with my back a little pumped so I can share it on MFP.... a couple of women have already posted." My Wife: "I'm going to check the computer history daily, and so help me if I find you on that sight one more... what are…
Since I was the one that introduced the term "embrace the suck" I'll give you an example of why such a term was used. If anyone thinks it's loaded and adding drama, I'd like to invite them to do it and then let me know how it was. The Marine Corps spends a lot of time in the field, no matter what particular specialty they…
The OG crowd arranged for anyone that left to no longer have a newsfeed. Unlike gangs, we let people leave..... we just never let them back in. :p I wondered where you went. But these days if you want to have a selfie Tuesday (or was it Thursday?) you will have to share it in the forums. No more feed.
I'm not sure why anyone would consider buying new clothes when it's not needed...... My neighbor says the best thing to do is listen to celebrity doctors!
If you really think that pointing out false claims or flaws in what is stated is going to make anyones brains fall out, you might want to consider just how easy it is. In this case avoiding scurvy and suggesting amounts that meet this mark are sufficient is just plain ignoring what we know are optimal nutrient levels in…
I forgot to mention..... During the course of this thread I got a FR from a female I thought looked familiar, but I wasn't sure. But I added her, and over a couple of DMs was suggested we chat elsewhere. When I resisted that.... poof she stopped the DMs. That simple.
It would be an interesting deep dive to really nail it down better, but I think the overall cultural attitude would be a big player in the game. Money and time no doubt play a part for many, but for most it's probably more self motivation and being accountable.
I think used in proper context it's not a bad saying. It's easy to dismiss it, but personal growth often comes from challenging yourself and stepping out of your comfort zone. More than 4 decades ago, I had become familiar with the term "get comfortable being uncomfortable". It was often used in the military, especially in…
I'm sorry, but here is another example of why certain styles of eating get a bad rap. Are you really going to try to tell people that only 10mg of vitamin C is sufficient? That is only about 10-12% of most recommendations. If it was sufficient, why are there examples of people eating extreme diet styles that end up with…
In a nutshell, MFP uses a method that calculates NEAT (Non-exercise activity thermogenesis) for your daily activity, accounting for your lifestyle and daily activity levels. It does NOT account for exercise beyond that, so when you exercise the number of available calories goes up. One word of caution. Be realistic and…