And for those that don't but are working on it, you are welcome! I can see new gym chains that operate around these concept opening. On a more serious note, and something that some say is common... the "runners high". I've only ever had…
...someday! Interesting find while doing a study on mice. Wouldn't it be great if you could take a pill, sweat hard, and drop weight? I figured since it's asked a lot I should post this and give people hope.…
Since this seems to be an item often debated in other areas, I thought we should open it up for debate. Hopefully it will help others define what they believe is or isn't HIIT, and the possible benefits or lack thereof of using HIIT as part of a workout program. Firstly, I'm going to quote what the ACSM literature defines…
I thought this might be an interesting topic on devices/data for fitness goals rather than weight control goals. We know how energy balance / CICO drives the weight fluctuations, but measuring outputs and fitness goals can at times be more variable and IMO, harder to control to see results. For me personally, any…