mark6281991 Member


  • maybe faster if you bulk then cut.[/quote] You would think that is true but it's not in all reality. Your body has a set amount of protein it will use to increase muscle mass and anything over that will just be added as far only. So it's really no different to be at a 100 calorie surplus a day versus a 3500 cal surplus.…
  • I like plain Ole green tea. I have 3 cups of it with my breakfast each morning. It took about a weeks to adjust to the flavor but I really enjoy it now. I'd take it over any other drink outside of water.
    in Tea? Comment by mark6281991 July 2015
  • Another thing is that being too far under your caloric needs is worse than being over. Your metabolism with slow greatly if you do that consistently.
  • Having been where you are myself (290lbs to 160lbs). I would start by saying, walking/jogging everyday became very hard on my knees. I would recommend adding 3 bike ride days per week for the same time as your average walk, stationary bikes work just fine. As far as nutrition, I have found out that some things are…
  • Being successful in your health/fitness goals requires only 3 things, perseverance, consistency, and knowledge.
  • If you are truly stuck, you can try carb cycling. 3 days really low carbs followed by 1 day reasonably high carb. has a ton of great tools you can use for free. A carb cycling calculator is one of them.
  • This is all so cool, but go easy on the running. I can't run any more because of major foot surgery to correct a chronic injury that never healed. Were all of the injuries due to the running part of the triathlon? Do you know your times for each portion? I'm doing an Olympic distance triathlon on August 9th. Much shorter…
  • Thank you very much.
  • [/quote]Toning doesn't exist. You cannot tone a muscle. Muscles can do 2 things, get bigger or get smaller. The toned look is achieved by having a moderate muscular base with low body fat. My advice to you would be drop resistance band training for a dumbbell/barbell routine. As for loose skin, sometimes there's no way to…
  • my shirt for winning.
  • That is correct. I will admit though, I was a little over my head when I went in. I loved the first one so 4 days later I did a second one. which I also won. However, doing so I got a few stress fractures and damaged tendons which are still recovering. This was back in October. Also It was held by my college and no student…
  • How much did your rate of loss slow over time? For example, how many lbs for each of the 16 months? My rate basically came to a screeching halt after about 55 pounds lost. my first month I lost about 30 pounds. Much of that was water weight from a clean diet but not all. The next month was around 15. The next was around…
  • Thanks, if you want to know anything more specific I'll be happy to answer. Like what I ate, why I started, etc. I just didn't want a 2 page initial post. Lol.
  • hopefully this link will work. It is my before/after.