G Good luck with your surgery! I had mine 8 days ago and it was super painful!!! And now all I do is eat and lay around while trying to take care of my kids. Not fun.
Thank you. My surgery is on August 14th. I tore my ACL in may. So it's only been 3 months for me. I'm already getting shooting pain and signs of arthritis in it. I can't imagine waiting 6 years! I'm very nervous for my surgery. Hopefully it goes okay.
Well the only thing physical therapists in my area do is print off exercises for you to do at home. So I'm doing the same thing they would. They didn't help my mom at all when she went to physical therapy.
I completely torn my ACL and it's gone so I have scheduled my surgery and it's August 14th. Wish me luck! And thanks for all the tips and advice :smiley:
Awesome!! Thank you! :smile:
Thanks everyone! :) I had chicken mixed with steamed tomatoes out of a can. Since that's all I had for now. But I'll definitely be mixing up my chicken dinners!
This sounds super yummy!! Thank you!!
Fruit is all natural sugar so I'd say no. It's good for you!!!
Thanks everyone for your great tips :) I appreciate it!! Definitely gotta get some healthy foods in my daily life. And my kids too hopefully!!
I just wish I could eat everything and like it lol. Just hearing zuchinni noodles gross me out. Or stuffed eggplant. I just can't get into stuff like that. I really wish I could get my palate to change and accept any taste cause its not good only having very few healthy choices. Tends to get boring
Yes I've tried a few smoothies. And yes I could eat salad a lot I don't wanna get sick of the food I'm eating. Cause that's what tends to happen. I get sick of the same healthy stuff and then go back to junk food. :(
Thanks for the tips!
I've got ACL exercises off the net that I'm doing at home. A physical therapist in my area isn't going to do anymore than that for me.
I'll be doing it early this fall. Thank you. I'm very nervous.
Thank you!!
Fin Getting a babysitter is what I struggle with. You can't take kids everywhere you go lol
I'll hopefully do it soon. My summer is busy enough. Surgery is definitely happening for me in fall. If I didn't have 3 toddlers I'd be at physical therapy everyday
Is there any recipe tabs or any meal plans that mfp has to follow??
I'm supposed to be signed up for physical therapy but haven't yet. Having 3 kids I'm busy as it is lol.
Me as well. I'm a mother of 3 kiddos under age 6 and would love fitness friends. Its so hard losing weight while being a busy mom! :)