BasicGreatGuy Member


  • Usually in the range of 38 - 40.
  • Start with 10 mins of cardio a day and slowly increase the time by 5 mins every week until you reach your goal.
  • Definitely time for some new shoes. I also suggest getting more than one pair of running shoes and rotate them regularly. Your feet will thank you. And when looking for new shoes, check out last years models first, as you should be able to get them at a good price. Keep an eye on runninwearhousedotcom as they have regular…
  • The mirror is a very good guide for checking progress, and isn't as big dent in the wallet. ;)
  • You can try wearing toe-socks or slightly thicker socks. I would take another look at your shoes. It is not typical to get black nails during long runs. I know it happens from time to time for some people. However, it is often due to the shoe being too big allowing the foot too much room to slide around. Conversely, the…
  • Heart rate monitors (as a whole at this point in time) do not do well with HIIT and weight lifting.
  • If your exercise is mostly walking, getting a HRM would be overkill, in my opinion.
  • 1. Be careful to not do too much too soon. 2. If you are gasping for air while you run, you are running too fast 3. Don't worry about what other people are doing or may be thinking about seeing you run slow. It isn't an issue so don't create one. 4. Keep your walk / run (beginner sessions) to 3 days a week for the first 6…
  • If you want to run faster, you have to learn how to run slower. Eighty-percent of your weekly runs should be categorized as easy running. This means that you aren't huffing and puffing for air and you are at a speed that you feel you could run at the current pace for hours (Heart rate zone 1. The other twenty-percent can…
  • If one doesn't like running, one should find another form of exercise that one finds enjoyable.
  • Weight loss happens in the kitchen. Pay more attention to your caloric intake (and quality thereof). Think of running as exercise to get fit not lose weight.
  • With the cold weather comes a very low humidity (a lot of the time). This is one of the main reasons why a runner will experience constant, clear nose running during a run.
  • Getting famished after a long run is caused (a lot of the time) by your body craving carbs. A lot of people use carbs as their main running fuel, instead of teaching the body how to use natural body fat stores as the primary fuel source (which there are copious amounts of.
  • Injinji toe socks.
  • A long, slow run is what I consider fun. :)
  • When it comes to long distance training, make sure that your long, slow run is slow. Too many people run way too fast for their long, slow run and as such, fail to reap the benefits. If you take the time to build your base, you should be able to run 40 miles for your long run days, which will help prepare you for your next…
  • In my opinion, it would have been more productive to write an article that seeks to educate a beginning runner on how to properly prepare for winter running with the proper warm up and clothing etc. As to the temperature, there is nothing noble or manly about running in -30F weather. In fact, it is rather foolish and down…
  • With the bolded, I agree. As to the other, it may look dark to you right now, but the sun is still shining down on you. It is in the depths of our weakness that we find the fullness of our strength. ;)
  • Nice to meet another crazy runner (read: ultra runner) :) Hope your training goes well for you. I just finished a 12 hour ultra last Saturday.
  • Polar M400 is an excellent running watch and can be had for about $115.00. It has GPS and other essential running basics. I used it for a few years before upgrading to a Suunto Ambit3 Peak for ultra running.
  • The Polar M400 with a foot pod will do well with indoor treadmill running. The M400 also does well outside. The H7 HRM that can be bought with the M400 is an excellent monitor. That, along with the foot pod, can provide you all the data you need and at a lower price than the Garmin FR235.
  • Running. Followed by running and more running.
  • In regards to cardio, there is nothing wrong with fasted exercising (in and of itself). Depending on the intensity of the exercise (running for example) fasting before hand (in conjunction with running in heart rate zone 2) can, over time, teach the body how to utilize fat stores as the primary fuel source, versus glycogen.
  • Speak with your doctor. He or she should be able to refer you to a qualified physiotherapist who, should be able to direct you to an instructor who is specifically trained to work with clients like yourself. If budget allows, it would be great if you could work with a qualified instructor (one on one) for the first month…
  • I suggest you stay far away from that instructor. He had no business putting you through a workout like that. He put your health at further risk doing what he did. A guy like that should be fired, in my opinion. He obviously is not qualified to be instructing you in matters of fitness given your health background.
  • I have an 12 hour ultra this Saturday. Looking to do 60 miles. My Altra Olympus 2.0 came (via UPS) today. Very nice, comfy trail shoe. :) I love my Altra shoes I have 15 - 16 pairs. Looking forward to trying the Olympus 2.0 out during the ultra. I also stocked up on a lot of Tailwind (not just for the race, but to also…
  • Generally speaking, it is advisable for beginners to stick with 3 days a week of running for 4 - 6 months. After that, it is good to slowly ad another running day into the schedule around the same time frame. Given that your race is not until next May, you have plenty of time to increase your running days to 4 - 5 days a…
  • Do you sit most of the day at work, or are you constantly moving at work? If you sit most of the time, then adjust your activity level accordingly.
  • I was using the Polar H7 heart rate monitor. It is very accurate. I have recently switched to the Scosche Rhythm + Armband. It is a heart rate monitor that you wear on your arm. It does a very good job as well. I highly recommend either one.