lalaconz Member


  • I always make squash. It's my go to now for a substitute for noodles. Just cut it in half, scoop out the guts and stringy bits, wrap it in paper towel, and microwave for about 10 mins depending on size. It'll be really hot when it's done so wear oven mitts. Then cover it in whatever you want! Meat sauce, roast chicken and…
  • Spaghetti squash (cut in half, scoop out the seeds and stringy bits, wrap in paper towel, and microwave for 7ish mins depending on size), roast chicken (I always buy those pre-cooked chickens from the grocery store. I don't eat the skin.), some cheese if you like, and salsa if you don't have sauce on hand. SO GOOD!
  • A handful of pistachios (my favourite nuts), a banana, natural organic turkey slices with some cream cheese in them, celery with organic pb. Lots of tea and water throughout the day. Don't skip meals. Also, eating your carbs with breakfast and lunch instead of dinner will help fend off late night hunger.
  • Smorgasbord of deliciousness
  • Here's an example. Spaghetti squash with chicken, salsa, and some boursin cheese. Easy and delicious!
  • This is an amateur taco salad I made today! Basically just threw a bunch of stuff together in a bowl :). All ingredients are listed in my diary.
  • This is an amateur taco salad I made today! Basically just threw a bunch of stuff together in a bowl :). All ingredients are listed in my diary.
  • I gained about 30 lbs during my 6 years in university (undergrad and graduate school). It is SUPER hard. Now I'm working on getting back to where I was, or even lower. I just graduated last Spring, but feel free to add me for support! My diary is open.